Its bad for your car to let it idle in the morning? | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Its bad for your car to let it idle in the morning?

I'm sure you guys have visited "Lake Horwitz" up at Lockett Meadow...


It's a standing joke since all that really is, is a mud hole! I just got lucky and made it look like something. Now when people ask what lake that is I say "Lake Horwitz" :D The print looks much nicer than that scan does. The colors are much more accurate.

Flag is a great place if you want to save it, work for smart growth.

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That is a crazy picture Rick. I don't think i've ever seen lockett meadow like that. When did you take that?

Hey, off topic.

We were in the middle of a pointless argument about idling your truck in the morning, and you interrupted it with some beautiful scenery. ;)

TheFox88 said:
That is a crazy picture Rick. I don't think i've ever seen lockett meadow like that. When did you take that?

About 12 years ago... I wish you hadn't asked since it seems like yesterday. ;)

Rick said:
About 12 years ago... I wish you hadn't asked since it seems like yesterday. ;)
If it makes you feel any better, I was less than a third my current age. I would have been 5 years old then. LOL! That prolly won't help, but ithought i would throw it out there.

An engine with no load is going to polute more than an engine under normal load at any set RPM. Same with a cold vs. warm engine. Under stop-and-go driving conditions this wouldn't be a concern as the cats would help reduce emissions. However the cats need to be up to operating temperature to work correctly, and exhaust gases don't provide the necesary heat until you up the RPMs. This is why it is well known that you should have driven your car for 10-20 minutes before getting a smog check.

That is my only arguement that explains his arguements, making the assumption that his arguements are evironmentally based. (got that? :confused: :p )

EFI engines are however much cleaner when cold or under no load than non EFI and diesels.

Having lived in So Cal my entire life I can't say I've ever needed to let my truck warm up before driving off. Even when it is 60+ degrees outside it takes a couple miles and 3-5 mins of driving for my engine to come up to full operating temp (aftermarket water temp gauge). I do always take it very easy until it has reached temp, as that seems like common sense to me.

And If i lived in a colder climate I'm sure I'd let my truck get near operating temerature before climbing in and driving off, even if someone could prove that leaving it idle was bad for the engine.

Jefe said:
And If i lived in a colder climate I'm sure I'd let my truck get near operating temerature before climbing in and driving off, even if someone could prove that leaving it idle was bad for the engine.

I think the big question is: What is the lowest safe operating temp for cars? Is that when your temp gauge hits normal or is it much lower than that? I think we may have discussed this, but im bored....well not bored but have finals to study for.

If its cold then i let it warm up for about 5 minutes before i leave for work. Going home i just drive it right away (after 12 hours im damn ready to go home). The professor makes a valid point if you have a poorly tuned OBDI EFI system, or a carb'ed motor... but honestly idling does nothing more than waste fuel and produce more pollution. An idling EFI engine in any kind of decent tune will not wash rings out of the engine or over-fuel.

My dad is the world's worst as far as letting a vehicle idle for extended periods. His last truck was an 87 F150 that had almost 300k miles on the ticker and never had anything done to it other than fluid changes/ignition parts replaced.

its 12 degrees here i dont care how much gas i burn i am going to fire it up melt the ice and let it warm up for ten mins or so. and will continue to do so untill i am forced to ride a bike by enviormentalists i mean its ok if its forty or so to let it warm up for a min just to get the fluids warm but even then i wait for the tick to go away. we dont get good gas mileage anyways so who cares!

Was 4° on my porch this can be damn sure I let my Sammy idle for 10 minutes to make it habitable inside :D . Even after idling for 10 minutes, the tranny still didn't want to go into reverse because the fluid was so thick. When I first start it, I have to manually bump up the idle (I have a hand throttle for wheeling) so it stays running. The oil (10W40 dino) gets thick enough that it puts a drag on the motor...There ain't no way that it's ready to drive in 1 minute....

its only ready in 1 min if i am EXTREMELY late other wise it never is and never will be.

ok guys i'm gonna start my vehicle and let it idle for 60 seconds from now on....then i'll do some donuts and rip up some grass until it reaches operating temperature :D

not too bad of an idea! :)

well either that or i could just rev the piss out of it!

After my truck has run for a few minutes on VERY cold mornings, oil pressure is registered, I will hold the engine at 2200 RPM for about 2-3 minutes before I even attempt to put it in gear.
I bet the eco nazi's would be so happy to know this!

But hey at least I can SEE out of my icy windows after this so I dont run over any school kids on my way to work! I have found a water temp reading of at least 145 is needed before I get enough heat out the defroster to keep the fog and ice off the windows, it takes more then that to heat up my hands though!

OK guys - I think this is a good show for MYTH BUSTERS . I think Ill send them this info and see if they will do the tests that will prove the truth.

I personally think you should let your truck run for as long as YOU feel it needs to be run before YOU drive it. This way you have your very own peace of mind, not someone elses.

I let mine run until the idle comes down to normal witch usually takes about 45 sec. Then I feel like its safe to drive easy until its up to normal temp. Then I feel warm and cozy on the inside and outside :)

they probably wouldn't do it, the longest they've done a project was like 4 weeks, I believe that was the personal "jet pack" project. but anythings possible I guess

Tbonejr said:
OK guys - I think this is a good show for MYTH BUSTERS . I think Ill send them this info and see if they will do the tests that will prove the truth.

The only groups I know about that actually do long term testing like this would be:

1. The manufacturers (Ford, GM, Toyota, etc.). They also write the owners manuals. Hmmmm........

2. Oil companies may do these tests to qualify their oil for certain specifications. The specifications are usually written by or in cooperation with the manufacturers. E.g. SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Tests.

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Cold cylinders being rapidly heated by immediate driving can actually be gouged/pitted by acidic buildup.
