Help Identifying A Transmission Noise While In Drive and At A Stop | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help Identifying A Transmission Noise While In Drive and At A Stop


Well-Known Member
February 23, 2021
Reaction score
Katy, TX
City, State
Katy, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer XLT 4WD A/T

Attached is the link to the video with the noise.
For additional details, I have had this same noise for over a year now. It only happens when the car is in drive and at a complete stop. Never in park or neutral.
Most commonly it happens during high humidity days during warm up. The noise happens much less often once the engine has reaches operating temperature.
I could feel the vibration on the housing of the transmission while the noise is being made.
The noise never happens while the car is moving.

Fingers god damn crossed I can ignore it for another year while I put aside money to pull the transmission.

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Stuck valve? Issue with the pump? Sure is hard to tell. Sounds a lot like when there is air in a power steering system.

I would imagine that it is a bad valve or some kind of restriction since pump noise usually increases with RPM. How long has it been since you looked at the transmission?

I would imagine that it is a bad valve or some kind of restriction since pump noise usually increases with RPM. How long has it been since you looked at the transmission?
I had the transmission valve body out, cleaned, and new gaskets installed about 2 years ago.


I recently dropped the transmission pan, as I starting having more transmission trouble. Issues I am now having include stuttering when coming to a stop (between about 0.5-5mph), occasional stalling when going from reverse to drive and also making a turn, and now it hiccups while cruising on the highway regardless of it being in D or OD. The transmission doesn't slip when I floor it, or when I do a gentle acceleration. I noticed a loose bolt on the valve body, so I re-torqued all the bolts and snugged them down, but it hasn't fixed the problem. I noticed some goldish colored material in the pan, and would love to know what it could be. I absolutely do not have the time nor do I have the money to replace the transmission, so I'm hoping this is something I can do in a day, and under $400. In the mean time, I dumped a whole bottle of Lucas stop slip in there, and I'm crossing my fingers.
