Help needed on temperature gauge.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help needed on temperature gauge....


New Member
November 6, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Durham, North Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Eddie Bauer
Hi all, I just got to America 2 months ago.. I just bought a 98 Eddie Bauer with 39K miles in good condition...It was driving fione for the first 2 months..But over the last few days the temperature gauge has been fluctuating wildly...It goes all the way when i accelerate especially beyond 65 mph or when I go uphill but eturns to normal when i sloow down...One occassion, it went all the way up to the H mark and the "check oil gauge" light came on...I have checked the coolant levels and the fan and both seem fine and the engine hood feels cool even after the gauge goes up....
the dealer says they have to strip open the dashboard and it will cost $$$..Anyone kind enough to give me advice on how I could solve this problem???

thanks all, help is much appreciated


First of all, if it was your "check engine oil" light that came on, I would take a look at your oil level. If it was your "check gage" light that came on, it probably came on because you exceeded the required temperature to set it off. It sounds like you have a bad thermostat that is sticking closed. Lately I have seen a lot of people with their thermostats sticking closed on '97-'99 Explorers. My '97 had it last March. My symptoms were a higher than normal idle for a week before. Then I noticed my temperature guage would go up to H every time I acceleratred away from a stop. A new thermostat fixed it. That sounds like what you are experiencing. Start there before paying Ford $$$.

Thanks Robert for the advice..I am new to self auto repairs..But how could I change the gauge myself or do i need to bring it to a mechanic?? What would be a good manual to consult and what sort of temperature gauge should I buy??

