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Help, performance exhaust-no noise


February 12, 2005
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97 xlt
Any thoughts or guidance? I would like to get a performance muffler or possibly system without adding much to the noise level. As quiet as possible with low restrictions. I was considering a flowmaster 70 Series Big Block II Muffler. Any help with a switch from stock to something with alot better flow and not being loud and obnoxios ( no tickets!) would be appreciated. I just bought my 97 x about 6 weeks ago and love it, it has a 5.0L v8 that's great but, stock everything except the k&n air cleaner I picked up today. I have been told that duals would be very hard to install because of lack of room and would be too noisy. thanks

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I have dual chamber 2 flowmasters on my 01 Sport but I dunno what series I have but it is hella loud and deep I love the sound on my X.

I have a magnaflow on mine and its very quiet but its a V6, I dont know how loud it would be with a V8 but im guessing it would do the trick for you.

do u got clips of ur magnaflow on ur X red I would love to hear how it sounds.

I don't got clips of my flows on my X I will eventually and then I will post it for all of you guys to hear it.

I could not find much at their site, do you know what series/ size or part#

Sams01XplrSprt said:
do u got clips of ur magnaflow on ur X red I would love to hear how it sounds.

I don't got clips of my flows on my X I will eventually and then I will post it for all of you guys to hear it.

Sorry, I do not.

Do an internet search for "Magnaflow", and "sound." They had sound clips on their site a while back. They're on my wish list too. I just bought a TIG welder, so I'll make my own dual 2.25" tailpipes. LOL,

if anybody has sound clips of there ex with a glasspack i would like to hear it.

just curious :D

Go with a Gibson cat-back. From what I've heard, they are quite a cruising speed, yet noticable when you get on it.

I have a 40 series Flowmaster on my 4.0. It's loud, so this is one you probably wouldn't want to go with if you're looking for a quite performance exhaust.

I too sought performance as well as fuel mileage and after considerable research, I choose a Flowmaster 70 Series muffler to go on my custom 2 1/2 inch pipe cat back exhaust on my 4.0 SOHC.

I am very pleased with the results, the muffler is almost silent at highway cruising speeds, yet you can hear a roar when you get on it.

Good luck ....

luvmy97x said:
Any help with a switch from stock to something with alot better flow and not being loud and obnoxios ( no tickets!) would be appreciated.
The 70 series is pretty quiet, no tickets. Here's some graphs:





good post Sonik!

I agree with Cybercreeper. What a way to answer a question! No possibility of confusion there. A 70 series has now been added to my wish list.

:D Thanks A bunch to all of you! Your input is appreciated.

Thanks Again!

I also have a 97 5.0 and I went with the edelbrock tru-flow dual in dual out 2 1/4(also tried the flowmaster big block series) with resonators. It is still to loud. In the beginning I loved it but now I hate it. It resonates between 2000-3000 Rpm in the cab. I'm going to put on two more resonators and if this does not lower the sound I'm going to toss the whole system and try to find a borla that is meant for the vehicle. If this is the case I will split at the rear so it appears I have a dual exhaust. I hope this helps.

fig, what size are your tailpipes? I've had both those Edelbrock's, and the Borla's. They are both designed about the same, straight perforated pipes.

I have learned that the larger the tailpipes are, the louder the exhaust will be. Anotherwords, keep the tips no larger than the rest of the pipes. The exhaust should get smaller front to back, or stay the same, for minimal sound. Good luck,

I'm using the SLP tailpipe. I believe it's around 3 inches. Never would have thought the size of the tail pipe would dictate the loudness of the exhaust. I will try your theory on tail pipe size and go with a 2 1/4 all the way through(that's what i'm using with the exception of the 15 inch long 3 inch wide tailpipe). I was actually going to choke the system and install 2 inch resonators toward the end to a 2 1/4 tailpipe. The factory stainless mustang pipe. Really appreciate your input.


I hope I'm helping. Let us no how changing the tips affects the loudness.

My personal experience came from installing Borlas, and 2.5" duals on a 91 Mark VII. The "shop" couldn't finish the tailpipes(Mustang) all the way back, because they didn't fit. I let them fabricate 2.25" tailpipes, and end them just under the body. It was late, and I still had Borla 2.5" tips that I wanted on.

It was EXTREMELY loud with the tailpipes terminating under the body. The sound was reverberating under the rear of the car. When the 2.5" tips were installed the next day, it was just mildly loud.

I think most people don't mind that loudness coming from under the vehicle. I want to hear only the exhaust from outside, and I like the original V8 Explorer sound. I prefer to minimize sound being created by multiplying what is already there. I like the sound of most mufflers, but a lot of the extra loudness is coming from extra large tailpipes, and from ending the pipes under the vehicle.

If you look at the graph details that sonik posted, you might notice that the quieter mufflers were larger. The size of the muffler directly affects the sound level. I usually shoot for the largest muffler I can get under the car.

Good luck,

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I second the Gibson. Face it, to a certain extent, performance=noise . . . the quieter the exhaust, the more restrictive it is . . . which decreases performance. Gibson is a good balance. You can hear it grumble when you get on it, but it's quiet on the hwy . . . and I did notice a slight performance gain.
