Help please! 1994 explorer xl v6 4.0 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help please! 1994 explorer xl v6 4.0


May 26, 2002
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1994 xl
I need a diagnosis or any suggestions please! my explorer seems to be making
a ticking noise from the front two wheels. It always is their when i am
driving in 2 wheel drive I can get rid of the noise by putting in neutreland
shifting into 4x4 (push button) and driving for a few feet then putting back
into 4x2 it goes away??? I also have a small clunking noise when i turn my
steering wheel 1/4 right or left. the clunking sound also comes from the
wheels but only happens every so often???
please help if you know whats wrong! any repair prices if possible also

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Do you have auto hubs?

Sounds like your auto hubs are shot. I had to switch to manuals.I found a place in Burlington that has the manuals for $335 or so but if you can get them from the states its cheaper. Autos are big $$. Good luck

could also maybe be u joint....

yes they are auto hubs brad

the manual hubs is that price installed or is it easy enough to install?

I would recommend changing them out they are not that hard to do yourself you should be able to get everything for under 200.Auto hubs suck:(

Under 200 us $. mine came out to 250 CDN after exchange and all for mile markers .
No the 335 was not installed easy to do.

Where in Burlington toad?

and how much do you think to get them installed?

WELL THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR PROBLEM BUT ONE TIME MY BROTHER WAS PLAYING WITH THE 4WHEEL DRIVE AND THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN THE 4X4 MODE KICKED IN oh what the hell i had caps on. anyways. and i was going about 5-10mph and the whole truck shutterd and about came to a stop. i thought the front differital broke or some ****

Its national4wd just off the QEW. I dont live around there so I cant tell you exactly where but you can see it from the QEW.
Try this it will give you Phone # etc I talked to a guy named Jamie He was pretty helpful. Its easy to do yourself but if your not comfortable I see they do install work there as well. Good luck
