Help with Highs, dont want bass | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help with Highs, dont want bass

September 15, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Hope, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 XLT
I currently have 2 audiobahn 12" Subs, hooked up to a mmats 1200rms watt amp, and 4 polk audio 5X7 all running from my pioneer HU. I have been having a problem with trying to eliminate the bass put out by the 5X7's. I have been playing around with the EQ on the HU, but I just cant get it to sound good, teh only way i can elimanatethe bass in teh 5X7's is by turning my bass all the way down and turning my lows all teh way down, and the only way i hear bass is by turing teh volume up and this doesnt work cause my highs are extremely loud and distort even with the trebile and the highs and mids turned down. I am planning on selling them and getting a pair of infinty 6X9's in a box and a pair of tweeters. I think they will balance it out very well. I listen to rap music, so there isnt a lot fo mids in teh music. However, is there anything better than going with this setup, should i just get a pair of components with an equlizer or, would just an equlizer hooked up to my 5X7's do anything. Basically all i want is to hear bass coming out of my subs and highs that do not distort and are balanced with the bass. Please help!

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an equalizer wont do it. you need to run those speakers off an amp, and set the high pass filter so they dont get any low frequencies. they will sound much better. if you plan on getting new speakers, dont go with the 6X9s and tweeters plan. get a nice component set. but i think if you get an amp with high pass filter for your current speakers, you will notice a dramatic improvement. it will get much louder, and you wont get any bass distotion through them.

Though the extra amp would sound tons better, I don't see why ya couldn't get rid of the bass, with bass blockers. You still may end up with distortion, just from working the hu so hard.

bassblockers are ok, but i hate using them. the 6db/octave rolloff kinda sucks. most amp's built in active crossovers are at least 12-18db rolloff. some are 24 or higher. i hate the way speakers sound with passive crossovers on them anyway.

but yes, they are an option if you dont want to spend more than $10.

Yeah, you're gunna need some kind of crossover system, either passive, digital, or built into an amp.

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