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Help with trans removal


Active Member
August 26, 2009
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City, State
Upstate, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 2dr
Help with trans removal ?*Got It Out*

How do I remove the transmission Cooling lines if I can't remove the exhaust (can't get the y pipe removed due to bolts in the manifolds.)

I have the access panel out from up top, but am unsure what size the fittings are. I have heard a flare wrench is a good tool?

All help is appretiated. it'a the last thing that needs to go. inorder to drop it and fix the broken flexplate.

Oh yeah, it's a 95 sport 4x4. Transfer case is out already.

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Last resort is to cut them with a tubing cutter than use compression fitting when you reassemble...

Yeah, i figured that cutting them would be an option, but would like to try and get them out whole first. No one knows the size of the nut on them?

I was able to get the trans lines off without too much issue through the top after changing my angle of approach. If I could find my box wrenches, it may have been easier.

That being said, i got it out without removing the Y pipe, due to some seriously rusted bolts on the manifolds. It appeared to be replaced before, which is good, since the truck has 241k, but not sure when it was replaced, so TMU. Same with torque Converter. Both ran well, so that's a plus too.

This is what I found when I removed it:

And the trans itself:

The TC:

and the Interior Currently:

So now to decide what to do with it, beyond swap the flexplate and make sure the motor is solid. Probably looking to sell it after I find that out, but may put it back together, or part it out. If any of it is for sale, I will be getting elite status before posting here.
