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September 13, 2011
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City, State
shepherdsville kentucky
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 ford explorer 4x4
i have 96 explorer 4x4 eddie edition. some time ago my o/d light start flashing. it starts flashing after the shift from 1st to 2nd. it shifts hard with every shift, and my rpms run between 3000 and 3800 when im on the intersate. today while driving down the road it attempted to shift from 3 to o/d and slipped and now it will not catch in any of the gears including reverse.any thoughts on how to fix my now big problem.

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im not sure a rebuild is required the truck was driven by an eldery couple only one owner and had only 50,000 miles. ive read through alot of the stickys on here that alot of my issues are common and can be fixed with as little as replaceing solineods would this be a good place to start?

What codes are you getting?

noo codes i have no way of testing it. it stopped on my way to work this morning and is still on the side of the road

See if you can borrow a reader, that would go a long way towards finding out if it is something simple or not, but it sounds like what Rick had said. Elderly with low miles doesn't mean much, they could have driven it poorly, or two-footed it a lot as well.

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