Helping Hand | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Helping Hand


Active Member
May 25, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Kansas City, Kansas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Explorer XLS
I am in need of a very quick huge hand guys. I have successfully swapped a ported and polished 4.6 in to my 4.0 EX. Everything works as it should ( I'll update the other thread shortly) except that I did not take in to consideration the IVD system... I need some one with a 2003 or higher Explorer with 2WD and a NON IVD (traction control, stability control) set up. Your vin number is all I need. It is the only way the geniuses at Ford know how to find parts, and the guys on e-Bay don't know what they are selling.

The truck is drivable, sounds mean as hell with new exhaust, and the engine wants to take off. Unfortunately since the PCM does not see the sensors for the IVD it eases the throttle. It is the last thing that I need to fix before it is !))% normal functioning.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated!!!

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Minus the oops's I am in it for right around $3,000. Mind you this is with access to parts at a Auto Shop discount. Literally everything is different. If you look at my other thread, I explain alot of what I ran in to while doing the swap.

This might help...


  • VIN.jpg
    38.7 KB · Views: 124

Or this 04, 4x2 with a 4.6...


  • VIN2.jpg
    43.3 KB · Views: 103

Thanks a bunch. I should have posted earlier just got busy with chores this weekend. I found one that worked off of Craigslist. The truck is now done and running properly!

I can't thank you guys enough for the help. It means a lot.

No problem- glad it's working!

Minus the oops's I am in it for right around $3,000. Mind you this is with access to parts at a Auto Shop discount. Literally everything is different. If you look at my other thread, I explain alot of what I ran in to while doing the swap.

And that's doing all the work yourself, right?

[MENTION=65536]frost[/MENTION]. Yes. That is with doing all of the work myself. Although $580 of that was getting the head cleaned, gasket matched and bowl blended. I also started with an older 4.6 out of a 97 Merc Cougar. Cast iron block instead of aluminium, different intake manifold, different witing, different sensors,etc... if you start with a 4.6 out of an explorer it will be cheaper and (relatively) easier. You will need access to a flashing computer, as you will need to vin match everything and make all of the different systems play nice.

If you have any questions shoot me an email at jlohmeyer275@ I will happily answer anyqyestions you have.
