Here's The Damage | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Here's The Damage

I went today and picked the Explorer up and took it to my favorite body shop. It's not too bad. At least I didn't have a cardiac arrest or anything, LOL. But they agree to pay for it, will have more details after the appraisal and there response.





On a better note.



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Ah not too bad.... Not much body filler is needed if any. I guess the whole bad part about it is all that hard work you put into it.

Yeah that's not too bad at all. It definitely sucks that it happened, but think about it this way: it could have been a LOT worse. The body shop will have you fixed up in no time. And on a side note, the system looks awesome! One of the best I've seen! Good luck with it all man.

ou la wee, that audio makes me want to pee, fork man thats cool, do not forget Ronnie you were going to put in order a poor mans audio system for me, no rush, you have been busy, as per your body damage, need to go get my glasses, me thinks some claybar action is all you need:)

Man ! Cake repair !!!!!!!!!
You will have a hard time convincing me that sound system belongs to some one your age. You can be honest with me, you are really 21 right ? :D
System looks sweet man and that " damage " is nothing to freat about.

Thats not damage... dents & dings builds character.. :rolleyes:

Here is the rest of the story, My cousin Ron is 87 yrs old, we are both old sham artists on this site, I am two yrs older than ron, with the new digital hearing aids, we can hear stuff, all we need to do know is find out where all the wires go but Ron is color blind so this may take some time,I am learning the resistor codes as we speak, 1 thru 10 K, bad boys rape my sister but violet gives willingly, we are working on the problem, ck back later

Ah, That will buff right out. The looks of the system make up for it man. It'll be ok!

Forgot one thing...where do the groceries go?

In my belly. LOL

OMG, Cousin Bill had to spill the beans. LOL,

You may not be able to see them in the pictures, but it has some nice dents in it. Just as long as it's fixed. The estimate is for a new fender too. 2,100 fixing it right. What do yall think, think I should go ahead and get the mirrors painted red and the cowl by the windshield wipers or just leave them that pucky black?

Geeze, I was $2500 with the whole front end!! Thats insane!

IAmTodd said:
Geeze, I was $2500 with the whole front end!! Thats insane!
This is a high classed painter that I know. When he does the job, he does it once. Now don't get me wrong, he is doing things that normally may not be done to someone else's vehicle. But he knows how nit picky I am and when he is through with it, no one will ever be able to tell it was in any kind of mishap.

Who ever hit it, left glass everywhere. Amber and clear. They must have wipe out there entire right side headlights and turn signals. I didn't have enough pieces to see if any make was on it though.

But do yall think I should paint the mirrors and stuff?

BBQ_HotDogs said:
You may not be able to see them in the pictures, but it has some nice dents in it. Just as long as it's fixed. The estimate is for a new fender too. 2,100 fixing it right. What do yall think, think I should go ahead and get the mirrors painted red and the cowl by the windshield wipers or just leave them that pucky black?

Get the new fender and do the mirrors and cowl red.

aldive said:
Get the new fender and do the mirrors and cowl red.
Thanks Al. I am leaning about 99% that way. Might as well while it's in a good paint shop. Nothing like getting it done right if I am ever going to do it.

Yes paint them red

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MONMIX said:
Yes paint them red

Go for it! You will be able to forget this mishap in a week when it is done. It will look even better that it was before the impact. :)
