HHO: Is it alchemy? Or will it improve gas mileage on a ’99 4.0 SOHC Explorer? | Page 36 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HHO: Is it alchemy? Or will it improve gas mileage on a ’99 4.0 SOHC Explorer?

I believe that the MAF adjustment devices are the best choice. The other things like the O2 sensor stuff is an attempt to do the same thing, and the MAF is easier to deal with. Welcome and good luck, keep us updated.

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Right now im doing the wrapped method for the o2s and installing hopefully soon if i can get outside long enough, the EFIE or aka o2 Manip. Also thought about doing a MAF manip at the same time! Im going to try to update more when i get the new one made, had to much crap this weekend going on.

The point is that only one alteration is needed for the air/fuel control. Each of those components will affect the A/F mixture. You only need to adjust one of them, so work with the easiest to get to, the MAF. Night,

I was getting 75 miles on a 5 gallons, I now get roughly 100-105 miles on 5 gallons!

Are these ADDITIONAL miles that you gained? Or what you got after adding the system? Just curious..

Ive heard contraversary over that kit to. Problem with the Sheriff and News truck, is the news truck had theirs installed by the making company, and the sheriff installed theirs. So.... i dunno, could the cop have lied... wouldnt be first time a cop lied about something!

Well if your saying that there is issues due to the cop cant install right, then there seems to be a problem. This is supposed to be a order and install yourself kit. So if it has to be installed by the manufacture, then is it really a good product?

I just know there is two or three companies that will install it for you, or a mechanic can. But how many people try to take short cuts etc, on a self install. You dont wanna know how many ppl ive ran into who instead of hooking to an accessories line, they run a toggle, forgetting to turn it off causes problems for them and they blame the HHO kit...

What about the 4000 runnin on mineral water and distilled water as the electrolite???????????????????????????????????????????????

What kit did I use, just search for the best one for your SUV or whatever your putting it on.

C'mon man, gimme something more than that. :)

Well I'm back. I am almost done. I am waiting for the glue to dry then I will see how many leaks I have. I also have to make a bubbler and lid for the main cell. I have a processor that intercepts the signal from the O2 sensor and sends a modified signal to the ECU. There are 128 adjustable access points which would allow for a realy fine adjustment resolution. Best of all, the processor and handheld controller was under 200 bucks:D The only catch is you have to assemble it yourself.

One thing I am wondering, is if you unplug the O2 sensor, the computer will use its default values to manage the A/F mixture correct? So what if you do that? I know it will throw a code. Anyway, below are some pics of my cell. It is different from what you guys are using as you can see. I am using 316L 14 or 16ga stainless plates for the electrodes. I also have a 30amp PWM. I built this tank completely from scratch using a 4x4 1/4" thick acrylic. The lid will be removable for cleaning. I also plan to make a control panel that will house all the electronics and gauges eventually. So what do you guys think?


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Yea I still need to put rails on the bottom.

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