Hi.......and HELP!!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hi.......and HELP!!!!!


October 26, 2008
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 4.0
I'm trying to convert my explorer to lpg but trying to find a suitable place for the shut off valve and vapouriser is becoming a pain......any good ideas/photos would be greatfully received!

Also I have tinkering under acceleration around 2 - 3000 rpm, is this the chain rattling?

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Cant help on the LPG mate, sorry, but the sound you discribe is like the timing chain tensioner needing changing fast!
Its not a hard job if you can throw a spanner? I have done a few now. Get it done sooner than later, save your engine!
Let me know if I can help if you are local I have done mine a short while ago.

oh and welcome to the forums, bring every explorer owner here now! :D

iv got the british gas works on mine and me dads too, ill get some pics up to help you.

You mention that the tensioner needs changing, is that the revised tensioner which comes in that 00M kit which I've read about or is it also available seperately?

It is available on its own, but you would be better off getting the whole kit as detailed, after all the other parts would certainly need changing too and for around 4-5 hours work to see the thing running right and sounding better- magic!
If you put a code reader on and come up with lean bank codes thats the inlet manifold gaskits being shot in most cases.
to a search for timing chain in this forum and you will find part numbers mate for the pieces and the kit.

I'm trying to convert my explorer to lpg but trying to find a suitable place for the shut off valve and vapouriser is becoming a pain

Hi, and welcome. Hoped to post a photo or two, but the weather is dead against me at the moment. My shutoff valve is right near the main ECU where it sticks out of the bulkhead and the vapouriser is to the right of it, quite near the wing. All the lpg kit is on the right of the engine, looking from the front of the truck. It is all a bit of a squeeze, but it does fit. Hopefully, might be able to get some pics posted in the next few days.

:thumbsup:Thanks BIGHMV and kernowman!

I've emailed a guy off ebay regarding a rattle fix kit, hopefully this is what I need and I get get the thing fitted before the engine all goes wrong.

The lpg gear really is akward to squeeze in, i've got the vapouriser and shut off valve linked together at the moment with a straight coupler but with the two together its really hard finding the space let alone somewhere to fix them down.

looking forward to some photos to help me along the way!


:thumbsup:Thanks BIGHMV and kernowman!

I've emailed a guy off ebay regarding a rattle fix kit, hopefully this is what I need and I get get the thing fitted before the engine all goes wrong.

The lpg gear really is akward to squeeze in, i've got the vapouriser and shut off valve linked together at the moment with a straight coupler but with the two together its really hard finding the space let alone somewhere to fix them down.

looking forward to some photos to help me along the way!

Think that is probably Duncan, he is good and knows his stuff. cant go far wrong with his gear!

Well done mate- keep us informed ok?

Yeah LPG makes for no space at all in the bay-Sounds like your fitting it yourself, hope it goes well, be aware that most will throw up a lean code after some time, and a code reader with reset function is handy to have if you dont want the light on all the time- on the other hand owners also tend to take the batt off for a while to reset. The code reader is the better option as you dont have rough running whilst it calibrates again.I saw an Ex on e bay with the Huge tank in the boot! Hells bells the thing was massive- cant get a set of golf clubs in after that! Whats one to do eh?

Yeah LPG makes for no space at all in the bay-Sounds like your fitting it yourself, hope it goes well, be aware that most will throw up a lean code after some time, and a code reader with reset function is handy to have if you dont want the light on all the time- on the other hand owners also tend to take the batt off for a while to reset. The code reader is the better option as you dont have rough running whilst it calibrates again.I saw an Ex on e bay with the Huge tank in the boot! Hells bells the thing was massive- cant get a set of golf clubs in after that! Whats one to do eh?

put your tank under neath-and put a nice solid heavy duty under run bar on;)
you could try using the bonnet hinge as a mounting point for your hardware, and run it straight down the left side of the engine as seen from the front,ps i take it you have taken the cover of the top of the engine that covers the top. also you may fin changing the great big air filter box for a better intake willl give some space to play with.;)
