Hidden Hitch Redesigned it! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hidden Hitch Redesigned it!

I had my hitch custom made by a local company called Hitch Masters. It's totally hidden. All that sticks out is the 2' square tube with the reinforcing ring. It's class IV, and welded in too.

but........it was almost $300.

Now that i've spent that much money trying to hide the thing, how 'bout I go get a big 'ol Ford logo hitch cover??

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I will get some pics tmrw if the weather permits and put a link to my webpage to view them since webshots doesnt allow posting here. It hugs the bumper pretty darned close. It looks really good. maybe half inch below? ill check tmrw and let yall know for sure.

Here's mine, its the same hitch. When I bought it it came with one of those square hitches that hung below the bumper 3". I gave that one away and bought this one instead. Can't hardly see it at all.


  • hitch.jpg
    52.9 KB · Views: 461

There's no drilling is there? Just bolts right in?
What place has the best price?
Ford Parts Network wants $109.99 plus $30 shipping.

Yep, just 4 bolts. I got mine from hitches4less.com but it looks like you found a better price.

JC Whitney has it for $99.99 with $30 shipping.

Also if you dont like a hitch hanging down below your bumper (can be bad for approach and departure angles) you can get a reciever bumper and a drop down ball mount...........

I think the truck tows better with this setup, I guess because the weight of the trailer is taken right at the frame rails other then below......

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Cut and paste....working on a new host, sorry.

This looks like a good deal for a hidden hitch....99.95 and the shipping is cheaper than on other sites.

Ok thats the best place so far. $99.95 + $14.71 shipping.

I never knew there was a Class IV available for the Explorer. The hitch I got is a Valley Class III, but it has a 6,000# trailer weight and a 600# tounge load. My V-8 is only reted to pull up to 6,520, but that is if the truck is empty, so ou toss 500# of cargo in there and a 6,000# trailer and it is maxed out. I didn;t think there was a class IV for the X simply because it can not tow enough to warrent a class IV hitch.
I towed a 6,000# tailer last week and I must say I would never want to tow anything heavier with an Explorer. I was worried about my trans the whole time, not to mention the suspension was almost riding on it's rubber bumpers.

I've seen a class 5 hitch for an explorer.

I have the round tube Hidden Hitch on my 92 Explorer. You can't even see it unless your looking for it. I love having a class 3 hitch without everyone else knowing it. I found mine brand new on Ebay for $58+$25 shipping!

Well i am a cheap bastid so i went to the wrecking yard and got my classIV for $30.00cdn so about $20.00us threw in a coat of paint and she looks like new.
NOTE wrecking yards are a awsome place to shop and many cool Xplorer parts can be found at very resonable prices.
