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High pitched interior noise. Constant

Welcome to the Forum KJJordan.:wave:
If you check your Owner's Manual you will see the fuse #56 is for the Power Inverter and that it is NOT used for anything else. It is located in the fuse panel in the engine bay.


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I have had a 2017 Explorer Sport for about 2 weeks, and have the identical problem. It is beyond annoying/headache causing. The only way to drown it out, is to crank the stereo. I got on the internet and I found this site and posting, which was very informative. Thank you to everyone. I called my dealer, and unfortunately they had not heard of this problem. I told them about what I found by way of this posting, and today I dropped it off for them to take a look at. When I hear back l will update on how that goes.

My dealer thinks I’m insane, and lectured me on not reading things online. They also made sure I was aware that American vehicles are different from Canadian ones (like somehow the inverter would be different? I know they use 420 volts down there... ... ... *blank stare*).

That's insane right there. That noise can not be tolerated...

That's insane right there. That noise can not be tolerated...
Welcome to the Forum Jim.:wave:
Pull fuse #56 in the engine bay fuse panel if it is that annoying. Then get the dealer to replace the power inverter behind the glove box.


I have had a 2017 Explorer Sport for about 2 weeks, and have the identical problem. It is beyond annoying/headache causing. The only way to drown it out, is to crank the stereo. I got on the internet and I found this site and posting, which was very informative. Thank you to everyone. I called my dealer, and unfortunately they had not heard of this problem. I told them about what I found by way of this posting, and today I dropped it off for them to take a look at. When I hear back l will update on how that goes.

I dropped mine off last month. Some of the technicians could hear it and some couldn't but they ordered a new inverter and disconnected the inverter that is in there and it has been a dream to drive. I have an appt to get the new one in next week (it took a while to come in) so hopefully the new one doesn't have the same issue.

Welcome to the Forum Jim.:wave:
Pull fuse #56 in the engine bay fuse panel if it is that annoying. Then get the dealer to replace the power inverter behind the glove box.

Thanks Peter, I decided not to touch it before bringing it in. Hopefully dealer will do as you mention, and I should be hearing back from them shortly.

Just heard from my dealer, they are ordering a new inverter which they say should take care of the noise. So far, so good...

Sooooo ... went to pick up my 2017 Sport. They put a brand new inverter in. I heard the sound right away upon starting the vehicle when I went back to pick it up. They are disconnecting it again and are going to "do some research" to see if Ford is aware of the problem or if it's just "normal" for this vehicle. Ugh. At least it'll be disconnected.

Be grateful your dealer is at least looking into it... mine still has me marked down as nuts

I'm not sure what post I am replying to but I too recently bought a 2017 Explorer Limited and have the high pitch sound coming from the passenger side. My dealership has replaced the front passenger door bottom speaker (didn't work) so they are going to order the top speaker and replace it. The high pitch is most obvious when I turn the volume up to 14 or higher, also when I am on the phone (sync'd). When I accelerate the pitch goes higher and then when I let off it comes back down. I will be passing all the information I have read on this post over to my dealership. I did try removing the fuse but that did NOT work for me. I just wanted to comment because I figure the more people/comments the better. Thanks for all the information!!

I'm not sure what post I am replying to but I too recently bought a 2017 Explorer Limited and have the high pitch sound coming from the passenger side. My dealership has replaced the front passenger door bottom speaker (didn't work) so they are going to order the top speaker and replace it. The high pitch is most obvious when I turn the volume up to 14 or higher, also when I am on the phone (sync'd). When I accelerate the pitch goes higher and then when I let off it comes back down. I will be passing all the information I have read on this post over to my dealership. I did try removing the fuse but that did NOT work for me. I just wanted to comment because I figure the more people/comments the better. Thanks for all the information!!
Welcome to the Forum Shari.:wave:
It sounds like you have a total different issue than the ones mentioned in this thread. I think yours has more to do with a failed electronic part that is supposed to supress such noises. I also would guess that the sound may disappear if you turn the radio off.


I purchased a 2017 Explorer Platinum in July and am having the same issue. No matter if the air or radio is off, there is a high pitch white noise coming from the passenger area.
I brought it in to service and they hadn't heard of the issue. The technician they brought over couldn't actually hear the noise very well, but thought it might be from the temperature control system as well. I mentioned that in some self-testing, pulling fuse 56 as described in this forum and worked. They still wanted to check the fan. In the end, I can still hear the noise coming from the passenger side as they didn't do anything to the power inverter.

Any advice in convincing the dealership to actually look at the power inverter? Anyone familiar with the electronics set up can confirm that nothing else is connected to the #56 fuse? Any other success stories of having the inverter replaced?

- Thanks

Welcome to the Forum dfgexplrr.:wave:
I suggest that you get someone at the dealership who can clearly hear the noise and then pull the fuse. If the noise stops, that and the info here should be enough to convince them that the issue is with the invertor.


Just picked up my Ex Sport a couple weeks ago. I noticed a high pitched noise in the cabin and it was really bugging me. Came upon this thread and thought it was going to save the day. Went out this morning to pull the #56 fuse and there was no change. High pitched whine is still very much audible. You can hear it in the cabin, but it's most audible in the engine bay. Is there anyone else with a similar problem?

Just picked up my Ex Sport a couple weeks ago. I noticed a high pitched noise in the cabin and it was really bugging me. Came upon this thread and thought it was going to save the day. Went out this morning to pull the #56 fuse and there was no change. High pitched whine is still very much audible. You can hear it in the cabin, but it's most audible in the engine bay. Is there anyone else with a similar problem?
Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
Does the noise increase with the engine's RPM? If so, check to see if it could be the cooling fans or alternator.


Does the noise increase with the engine's RPM? If so, check to see if it could be the cooling fans or alternator.



It's just a constant high pitched whine. No matter if just acc is on or engine running. radio on or off. Climate on or off. No matter if power inverter fuse is pulled or not. very weird and very annoying cause that high pitched whine piercing.


It's just a constant high pitched whine. No matter if just acc is on or engine running. radio on or off. Climate on or off. No matter if power inverter fuse is pulled or not. very weird and very annoying cause that high pitched whine piercing.
Getting interesting now. So when the Explorer is parked, is the noise still constant and if so does it ever stop? Have you tried shutting the engine off and taking the key fob out of range to see if the whine stops? Certain features activate when the fob is sensed even before you start the vehicle.

Maybe it's supposed to do this, but it is pretty high pitched and doesn't shut down when the car starts. You can still hear it when the engine is running. Is it the fuel system primed? The sound makes it impossible to just sit in the car with acc on. It does not stop after an extended period of time either.


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Well it's doesn't sound like a fan or alternator type squeal. The fuel pump is on top of the fuel tank. I couldn't hear it inside but could definitely hear it under the hood. I can understand why it's annoying. Almost sounds like some kind of feedback.
