HITCH NOISE - Receivers Smaller than Hitch | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HITCH NOISE - Receivers Smaller than Hitch


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May 22, 2011
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2011 Limited 4WD Explorer
I was SO happy to buy a vehicle with a hitch installed, however when I put the receiver in to tow my boat it was ask if it was sized too small. The Receiver just wobbles around, almost as thought the hitch square is too large. I have bought 3 different receivers with no success. Any thoughts or ideas? Does it take a special receiver?

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I noticed that as well with two different hitches. It doesn't rattle with a load on it when towing but with an empty trailer it will drive you nuts. I'm thinking of wrapping electrical tape around it.

Had the same problem on my Jeep Liberty. With a properly weighted tongue I never had a problem with it rattling around unless I was on an uber bumpy road. I did buy some wood shims and wedged one in there and it helped.

I noticed that as well with two different hitches. It doesn't rattle with a load on it when towing but with an empty trailer it will drive you nuts. I'm thinking of wrapping electrical tape around it.

I put black duct tape around mine to make up for the looseness

My 2011 is doing the same thing. I just ignored the noise. I will try the duct tape.

Is this enough of a problem to bring it up with the dealer? Or Corey?

I noticed this as well. I chalked it up at that time to the light, empty trailer, however I had never heard such noise from any other vehicle I've used to tow the same light, empty trailer. Glad I'm not the only one that's noticed.

If you're comparing the noise from the hitch in your Explorer to a pickup truck or other body on frame vehicle, it's going to be more noisy. This vehicle is a unibody, so there is no isolation between the hitch and the cab, resulting in the noise being transmitted directly to the cab.

It does not take a special receiver, it takes a standard Class III piece. I've towed two different trailers and had a bike rack on mine, and the fit is no different than any other vehicle hitch I've had.

If you're comparing the noise from the hitch in your Explorer to a pickup truck or other body on frame vehicle, it's going to be more noisy. This vehicle is a unibody, so there is no isolation between the hitch and the cab, resulting in the noise being transmitted directly to the cab.

Good point.

It does not take a special receiver, it takes a standard Class III piece. I've towed two different trailers and had a bike rack on mine, and the fit is no different than any other vehicle hitch I've had.

I will say though, there seems to be a little more "wiggle room" between hitch and receiver than any other vehicle I've owned.

I'm sure Ford purchases the hitch assembly from an outside source. That source is going to be using a stock square tubing size that every other manufacturer of hitches in the word uses because it's a standard size. There is going to be a tolerance on the dimensions of that tubing, and some tubes will be on the large side of that tolerance, and some will be on the small side. That's just how tubing is. The I.D. of the tubing probably has a tolerance of ±1/16" or so. Since both the hitch tubing and the receiver tubing have a tolerance, you get a tolerance stackup between them, resulting in a gap.

On my Explorer, I've noticed no difference in fit between this truck, my F-150, or any of my previous 3 Explorers with Class III hitches.

I have found the same issue with my 2011 Ltd. The receiver hole IS LARGER. I've towed many mid to light weight vehicles over the years using 90's Explorers, Chevy's and Durangos. I've never had a receiver this sloppy. Different slide-in hitches make no difference.
I've also resorted to pounding wedges in and taping them in place so they don't rattle out. It's annoying to add another step to hooking up and removing the hitch, as I frequently change out the trailers I tow.
I'd turn up the radio and ignore the rattle but that isn't working at this time. (black screen, now at the dealer).
With the windows up the LTD is extremely quiet and a joy to drive but drop the windows and the banging is quite loud.

My previous vehicle was the same way, 09 saturn outlook. I just wrapped black duct tape around the receiver so that it was a tight fit and it stopped the noise. could be a bear to get out sometimes though.

I have the same issue with my 2011 Edge, but found a cheap solution. I ordered a Boone Anti-Rattle Wedge for the receiver. Search YouTube for a video titled, "The Wedge by Boone Outdoor"

The wedge's cheap and worked for me, but you may want to look at other solutions too. Do a Google search for hitch anti-rattle or other similar strings.

We discussed the same issue over on a Ford Edge forum.

Ok, put up or shut up time :). I see a lot of "my receiver is oversized" but no data. I just accurately (±.005") measured 3 vehicles with Class III receivers and 3 different hitches that I own using calipers. Here's the data:

2011 Explorer XLT: Receiver hole horizontal is 2.080", vertical is 2.100"
1997 Expedition: Receiver hole horizontal 2.090", vertical is 2.095"
1989 F-150: Receiver hole horizontal is 2.030", vertical is 2.080"

Hitch #1 (Reese 6" drop). Horizontal is 2.005", vertical is 2.020"
Hitch #2 (Reese multi ball). Horizontal is 1.990", vertical is 1.980"
Hitch #3 (Performance Bike Carrier). Horizontal is 2.020", vertical is 2.020"

As you can see, they're all different, but in the same ballpark. Almost no difference between the Expedition and the Explorer (paint thickness could explain that), and the F-150 is slightly smaller, but it was more rusted than the Expedition and Explorer.

As I said above, there will be more noise from this vehicle from previous Explorers, Durango's, pickups etc. because the hitch is directly connected to the body, not isolated through frame bushings. I would also expect to hear this kind of noise from ANY vehicle that is a unibody.

On edit..I just measured another Expedition with a hitch that has never been used (nice to have good neighbors :) ) That receiver hole is 2.060" x 2.065"

An added note: if the hitch rattles in the receiver when you are not towing (i.e., you leave it on all the time), take it out. Most states make it illegal to drive with an unused hitch in the receiver, and because it hitch is unladen by a tongue, it will make noise.

THANKS ALL who Commented

Thank you each for the comments. I will try some of them and see what works best for me. Previous truck was Jeep Liberty with 192,000 miles and the hitch did not have this play in it for the noise an empty trailer makes :).

My previous vehicle was the same way, 09 saturn outlook. I just wrapped black duct tape around the receiver so that it was a tight fit and it stopped the noise. could be a bear to get out sometimes though.
I had a Reese aftermarket with a really tight clearance. I was happy with that, until the drawbar welded itself into the hitch due to rust. I was quite a sight in the neighborhood , drilling the hitch (tiny hole) to get more penetrating oil in, with my hitch tied to a tree with a tow strap and under tension, and beating on it with a sledge hammer until the thing finally came out. Never left the drawbar in unused again.

Thank you each for the comments. I will try some of them and see what works best for me. Previous truck was Jeep Liberty with 192,000 miles and the hitch did not have this play in it for the noise an empty trailer makes :).
Empty trailer? For proper towing, there should be enough tongue weight from the trailer to keep positive pressure on the ball.

OMG that made me laugh so hard, thanks. Only because it is a situation I can see myself so in as well. I never leave the hitch IN but on my Jeep it was all pretty rusty from buying online and installing myself so I can totally see this happening. :).

I bought a can of metal coating spray (I don't recall the brand- it was on sale at yard equipment dealer, I think it is linseed oil based) that acts as a rust preventer, more than just a coat of WD40. Before I put the hitch cover back on I sprayed everything in there with a coat of the stuff to prevent rust.

The receiver is to big and yet another thing that Ford needs to address!

I purchased an aluminum draw bar that has anti-rattle ball bearing built into it and the receiver is so oversize that the anti-ball bearings don't even touch.

I purchased some plastic shims from home depot.

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I measured some MY2011 hitches, on various vehicles, they vary by wide margins from factory installed on GM, Ford, and some Dodges ( we have about 140 vehicles in our fleet for the county, most are 2009 or newer). My 98 F150, its snug, but I use a little, anti-seiz tokeep it from getting stuck. The above thread, that worth a laugh, sorry!
