"House" brand tires.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"House" brand tires....

Hey guys,
Awhile back there was a thread that showed a chart of a bunch of tire manufacturers and their different "house" or "offbrand" makes. I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone remember it or know where I can find the info?

Someone mentioned to me a tire called a "Regal Trailblazer" and supposedly Regal is made by BFG. Anyone heard of them?


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Never heard of Regal Tires..... I know some of the brands though.... Like Dayton, Sieberling, Caliente are all offbrand Brigestone..... BFG is actually distributed by MAST (Michelin) MAST does have several private labels under its name.....

Try a Google search for REGUL tires, with a "U", to see if you can find any info on them. I bought some Regul tires several years ago for a semi-daily driver hot rod and they were a decent middle-of-the-road tire.

robb, i had a set of Regul Trailblazer MT's in 35x12.5's a while back. i was told (have no proof) that they were made by BFG. they look/perform very similar to a BFG MT. i got 40k miles out of them, they did decent in the mud, and worked great on trails.

Gimp, Jim, and James.....Thanks for the replies!

Now that I know they are Reguls, I am actually starting to find some info on them. They look to have about the same tread as any typical M/T.............so maybe, just maybe.

Thanks Again!


I have the Regul Trailblazer A/T's,(stock size) they definitely are not bad, they kinda resemble the old BFG all terrains before the ko came out, I bought them at a Goodyear/BFG tire dealer.
I remember that thread too!!!

BTW they are pretty cheap!!!

yeah i think the "off brand" tires are the way to go. i got 5 tires (the same ones that are on your x in that pic except in 33s) for $500 plus a few bucks more to mount and balance. they did just as good as everyone else's tires on the last run and everyone else had name brands (bgf mts, xterrains, mt/rs). well.. the swampers stood out but i wasn't comparing to those!

i can almost go through 2 sets of my current setup for the same price as 1 set of name brand equivalent. i say go for it.

Anyways, I run Futura A/T's on my daily driver Got em at Pep Boys... about 100 bucks per 33in tire... They're about as good as the BFGs i had a few years back... What makes them better in my opinion, is the fact they're 30-40 less per tire than BFGs, and very similar tread pattern
