How about an Az run | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How about an Az run


Well-Known Member
January 27, 2007
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City, State
Pheonix, Az
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Ranger FX4
how about a run around pheonix so i can get in on it and some of you more experienced wheelers can show the ropes since i am just getting into this

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How is your ride setup? Stock? Mild, wild?? Lockers?

With that info I can better determine which trails to plan for.

right now it is stock but by the end of the month i am going to have mytires on and then the next thing that i plan on doing is putting on a 3 inch body lift

Sounds good... Maybe a run to Crown King would be in order. That would be a good run for a stock FX4 and I haven't been there in a few years.

To get to Crown King you start out by Lake Pleasant and return down I-17. It's definately a full day trip.

I am new to AZ and stock 4x4 v8 but would like some off roading too...


Start slow and see just what you can get your '06 through:D

I have yet to go out with anyone in a third generation Explorer. So the experience would be new to both of us. I would sure hope it could make the Crown King trip without any problems.

Do you have side steps or any bodywork hanging low off the sides? The first and second gens had "tupperware" down there which really ate up ground clearance. That was always the first thing to get scraped up.

Start slow and see just what you can get your '06 through:D

I have yet to go out with anyone in a third generation Explorer. So the experience would be new to both of us. I would sure hope it could make the Crown King trip without any problems.

Do you have side steps or any bodywork hanging low off the sides? The first and second gens had "tupperware" down there which really ate up ground clearance. That was always the first thing to get scraped up.

Yeah it does have the side-steps... but they aren't too low, but maybe for real trails they are...


If you're really interested in 'wheelin your Explorer you could always do what Gerald did.


The photo is on a second gen, but you can get the idea. He reinforced the stock steps and turned them into actual rock sliders.

The Crown King trail changes depending on how long it's been since it's been graded. Sometimes it's really easy, sometimes it's a bit tougher. I haven't been there for quite some time so I can't say what it will be like now.

I'll look through my Arizona Backroads book and see what kind of trails Charles Wells reccomended for stockers.


Depending on the dates I'm in. Crown King is a cool trail. Rick can I stay at you'r RV park:D

i am always up for an adventure and my truck will def have the tires by the end of this week iam putting 325-60 bf good m/t's so i know ill have some fun and another guy i just sold some rims too told me about the crown king around lake pleasent and he also told me something about some kinda wash wasnt paying much attention just getting that cash in my hands was all i was woried

Depending on the dates I'm in. Crown King is a cool trail. Rick can I stay at you'r RV park:D

Absolutely Tom! What dates would be good for you?? Char starts her spring break on Mar 10. Maybe we could run Crown King and then go somewhere in the RVs???

Absolutely Tom! What dates would be good for you?? Char starts her spring break on Mar 10. Maybe we could run Crown King and then go somewhere in the RVs???

Sounds great. Only problem is ReEtte has jury duty reporting Mar.12. We won't know dates until then. We'll work something out.

so what kinda dates are we looking at that we might be doing this i know ill have my tires and rims tomorrow and if i get my tax return before the trip im gunna try to have the body lift on by then so just let me know and are yall doing the crown king trail in crownking or are you talkin about the crown king road farther south around lake pleasent and cow creek road

Depending on the date, Im in for a day trip in AZ.

Rick, we can test out my 3rd gen and see what it can do.

anyone ever been up to the whitetanks what kinda riding is in that area

Heads up.. The bypass for one of the last obstacles was gone on the Crown King trail when I was last on it (Oct of 05). The objstacle is a climb with a left hand turn at the top. Worse case, a strap is in order..

If we make it a saturday (sundays never work out for me) I'll bring the X up there ( I may even trailer it, so I can get some practice pulling the X). I still like crown king.. You can make it as hard as you want..

Here are a few vids of crown king from when we went last time (I tried to find the hardest lines for our X, it doesn't have to be as hard as I made it)


ok if that is the way the whole trail is then i defintaley aint gunna make it threw there in my two wheel drive with my one wheel wonder open end dif

i think i might have left that out at the begining that i am 2wd

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Well, I hate to say it, but I think that leaves you out for Crown King. I don't think a 2wd with no locker would make it.
