How can I install Puddle lights on my ''95 X ? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How can I install Puddle lights on my ''95 X ?

If I went and got a pair of mirrors with puddle lights, could they be installed on my '95? :scratch:
1) Would they bolt up?
2) How to wire them?:dunno:
3) Would they still hook up to my control knob?:feedback:

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The Sport has the same mirrors through about 2004, before they went to the bigger body style.

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It's all part of the big Ford story, they change parts so often that it's hard to know what swaps to what. I've got a 2003 Sport hatch glass to swap onto my 98, for the integral wiper.

Ah, just the glass, they interchange, but the electrics are an issue.

My bad, sometimes I read to fast! Did not see the "glass" in your post. Whoops!
Alright, I just talked to an owner of a 2000 X. He is parting it out. Told me he would sell me both mirrors for $30. Says they are in perfect shape. Going to look at them tomorrow. When removing them, what all should I take with them? The remote switch? The wire harness, how much of the wires & connectors should I take? All the way to the dr loom?

That's a great deal if they are nice. You need the mirrors but not the switch. Get the matching connectors of the door wiring, and a short length of those wires. The right side you might be able to get the wires all the way back to the kick panel area, but the left front is too much trouble. That door harness is very cumbersome and hard to move around. You will get to your door harness and wonder if drilling a new hole for extra wires is a better idea. That's up to you, the factory harness can be worked with, but it just takes a good bit of time. Remember that those wires are low powered, you can use crimp connectors to splice things together.
