How do you lift a 96 explorer on the cheap | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How do you lift a 96 explorer on the cheap


New Member
November 12, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Explorer AWD 5.0L V8
Hey I'm brand new and have been trying to find a lift of about 3-4" for my 96 explorer. Its a 4 door, AWD, V8. Any help would be appreciated.

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body lift, cheapest 3 inches you will find for that year

Thanks for the help, could u give me any direction on who to buy from.

performance accessories is the maker. the kit number i used for mine was 883.

which would be best 883 or 853, i found the 853 used on several other xplorers

i believe you use the 853 on that year. 99to 01 is the 883 .
Also Warrior extended shackles and torsion twist for another 2" lift

I still am new to this, but I am trying to learn. Would a 2" Torsion Twist, 2" Pro Comp Add a Leaf, along with a 3" Body Lift work?

I still am new to this, but I am trying to learn. Would a 2" Torsion Twist, 2" Pro Comp Add a Leaf, along with a 3" Body Lift work?

Yes, yes it would.

As long as you don`t go any higher than 2" in the front you will be fine. I`ve had mine lifted for several years now and no issues have came from the lift, just normal wear and tear things. if you go any higher, your risking premature wear on the front end components.

With this setup can i run 35x12.5 tires on the stock 15x7 wheels?

your not going to get away with 35's on 5 inches of lift without major fender trimming...
you could run some 33's

Alright, got it figured out! Superlift 4" box lift front end with 1.5" TT, rear SOA with PA-853 body lift for 8.5" total. Replace rear leaf packs and shackles to LMC Truck's OEM parts, for safety; lookin' kinda rusty:). Running 35x12.5x17 m/t tires. But, what gears should I get to run 35s and what are the specs on my stock axles? What driveshafts should I get? And what else should get replaced in order to keep the truck 'safe'?

I have the same year and motor and im looking for about the same hight out of it but I cant find a lift anywhere.where did you find your lift?.

Alright, got it figured out! Superlift 4" box lift front end with 1.5" TT, rear SOA with PA-853 body lift for 8.5" total. Replace rear leaf packs and shackles to LMC Truck's OEM parts, for safety; lookin' kinda rusty:). Running 35x12.5x17 m/t tires. But, what gears should I get to run 35s and what are the specs on my stock axles? What driveshafts should I get? And what else should get replaced in order to keep the truck 'safe'?

Stock driveshafts should be ok, i'd just replace all the joints. As far as gearing, what axle/gearing do you currently have?

i went to super lift's website and couldn't find the explorer
are you using a ranger lift kit?
ive lifted other trucks in the past but I cant find anything for this one
