How do you remove the Interior Trim? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How do you remove the Interior Trim?


Active Member
December 31, 2008
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City, State
Va Beach
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT 4x4
I need to remove the interior trim that runs along / up the windshield pillars.

How is it attached? I am having troublle pulling it loose, as I cannot find any screws, is there a trick?

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It just pops free, pull on them gently. Take note how all the pieces of trim interlock with each other. The seat belt screw is the only thing that I know of holding it down, the rest are the push type of connectors, like on your door panels.

OK, I got it free over the drivers door, but going down from the headline to the dashboad ( the pillar), they seem stuck, do I need a special tool?

You shouldn't. They should just be clipped on there if I recall correctly. I didn't need any special tools to remove the trim pieces in a '96.

They can be snug. If you look carefully, you will be able to tell where the clips are located as you pull off the trim. That's where you want to be pulling...where the clips are. Just give a good firm tug. It should come for you. The clips may stay on the car. If so, replace them on the trim before installing. Start at the top and work to the dash.
