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How many amps is my stock alternator?


Well-Known Member
July 24, 2005
City, State
Maitland, florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT 5.0
Ive got a 96 xlt, 5.0 jw about how many amps my stock alternator is puttin out?

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Correct. 130

5.0 should be 130. If your had the OHV 4.0 it likely would be 95 unless you had a limited.

my 94 xl sport always had 130 amp ones, apparently it depends on wether or not you have air conditioning, I do so I guess that's why.

is this alt. efficiant enough to power a 2500 watt sub amp? ive gotg a heavy duty battery and im gonna upgrade my big three

is this alt. efficiant enough to power a 2500 watt sub amp? ive gotg a heavy duty battery and im gonna upgrade my big three

2500 rms? which amp in particular?

my orion 2500ds were drawing 214 amps each during a burp while dropping to 12.5 volts. Thats at 0.75 ohm each nominal

my 94 xl sport always had 130 amp ones, apparently it depends on wether or not you have air conditioning, I do so I guess that's why.

Nope I have an XLT & a sport with AC & had 95amp ones. It depended on whatever the factory decided to use that day. As with many Explorer parts.

2500 watts RMS would take some 180 amps if you are floating the battery at 14 volts. How much battery you need given the alternator output depends on the average power the amp typically delivers. If you have 2500 watts to catch the peaks without distortion, your average power may be half that. You can get a good idea of the real power the amp manufacturer expects to draw by what size power lugs are built into the amp. If they are not at least a #4, it isn't likely to really be 2500 watts.

my 94 xl sport always had 130 amp ones, apparently it depends on wether or not you have air conditioning, I do so I guess that's why.

91-92 ---95 AMP
93-94-- 95 AMP standard, 130 with Limited package.

2500 watts RMS would take some 180 amps if you are floating the battery at 14 volts. How much battery you need given the alternator output depends on the average power the amp typically delivers. If you have 2500 watts to catch the peaks without distortion, your average power may be half that. You can get a good idea of the real power the amp manufacturer expects to draw by what size power lugs are built into the amp. If they are not at least a #4, it isn't likely to really be 2500 watts.

you're going to need a nice sized alternator to keep up with a 2500 watt amp.

at 14 volts a true 2500 watts will draw around 250 amps of current assuming 70% efficiency of the amp.

how bout like 1800 watts at 14 volts, thats more realistic to the amplifiers i might choose

how bout like 1800 watts at 14 volts, thats more realistic to the amplifiers i might choose

id count on 180 amps of current for 1800 watts.

in a real life situation no amp will put out rated power though playing music.

With any Direct Current supplied device, anything on a vehicle for instance, WATTS=VOLTS X AMPS
Amplifier ratings are quite overblown as pointed out by Wagonized. Bigger numbers on the box leads to bigger sales. Some of the most efficient loudspeakers can deliver close to 100db sound levels with as little as 1 watt.

With any Direct Current supplied device, anything on a vehicle for instance, WATTS=VOLTS X AMPS
Amplifier ratings are quite overblown as pointed out by Wagonized. Bigger numbers on the box leads to bigger sales. Some of the most efficient loudspeakers can deliver close to 100db sound levels with as little as 1 watt.

i wasnt really refferring to amps being overrated although many of them are. Im talking about real world power numbers as the woofer is playing. Impedence rise and voltage drop kill your power big time.

Case and point a DD z1 is rated at 3000 X 1 rms @ 1 ohm @ 12 volts. 2 of them strapped at 0.5 ohm (0.25 ohm per amp) on a single 12 volt battery was only good for 5700 watts from the pair.
