How many miles on your 2ND GEN EX? | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How many miles on your 2ND GEN EX?

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just sold mine about a month or so ago with around 207K, the drivetrain was still great but everything else was falling apart around it, now i'm considering selling my f150 and goin back to an explorer

well from my last post, it now has 285,*** on it whew thats some miles..... gonna replace engine and tranny when i get the money, replaced alternator last weekend.... runs good , engine knocks.... 6 ft deep mud/water whole will make any car do that...... trying to figure out if its a sensor as turdle posted, or if its my water pump tht just started whining..... hand full of knick nack stuff for now, flush diff, flush transfer case, and weld a hitch for a basket, for deer. then 2 hella lights off the bumper mount. then 31x10.5 wrangler duratracs, when i get the money, ha followed with a TT and shackles with the tires... WHY LIFT WITH SMALL TIRES?

miles on my 99 explorer sport

mine just turned 134,000

Just hit 100k on my 98x earlier today.

140,210 miles just replaced rear diff and alternator. Needs a blower motor now.

How many miles on Explorer

My first Ex was a 94 limited it had 84,000 when I had to sell her in 2009.
Had a stoke in 09,I had her from 2004 to 2009.
After therapy I was able to drive again.
So now I drive a 2000 XLT V-8 AWD.
Did I say how much I like the V-8, It,s not very good on gas.
But I don,t care,When I need power It,s there.
It has 73,000 miles on it.


This thread should be "How many miles and what major repairs were needed" :p

I just got 133k on the 99 SOHC. Still runs like a champ, but the injectors need to be cleaned real bad. Only big repair I had to do is replace the water pump *knock on wood*

The transmission has a B&M cooler, stock cooler, Ford Towing cooler, and a secondary oil filter for extra filtration. My investment on all that has worked so far!

Just a quick update for our '96 Limited 5.0 AWD....Now at ~207,000 miles. I am estimating as I just got back from a ~1000+ mile trip and noticed that the odometer is stuck on 2058xx, which is close to what it was when I started.

208k '98 XLT 4.0 4WD

01 XLT 178K nothing major, just little things here and there.

140, 546.7 miles. only 900 are me though :p Other than me messing something up with my throttle cable it drives like a new vehicle. Much nicer than my in laws new CrapCadia.

242,900 and just had transmission rebuilt. No 4x4 and the transfer case is in need of repair. Water pump last year and it has leaked coolant since. Changed the gasket, tried a liquid gasket and then found the lower thermostat housing (made of plastic) to have a crack and falling apart. It still leaks...

Still has the original spark plugs. I guess I'll work on that when it gets warm.

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