how much for a shop to replace t-stat | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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how much for a shop to replace t-stat


Well-Known Member
July 12, 2003
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City, State
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 xlt
I have a 93 ex. After driving it for about 10 minutes or so I shut if off and the coolant bois out from the cold fill reservoir. From searching the forum it sounds like the thermostat is bad. I am not mechanically inclined so I dont want to do it myself. Does anyone know how much a shop might charge to do this job?

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Around $80.

ok, thanks for the response. Do i need to purchase the t-stat first and take it to them or is $80 the price with the t-stat included

its very easy and its very cheap to do it yourself ($10 at most) all you need is sockets and some extensions and u joints

im sure it is. I am not very mechanically inclined, i have a haynes manual and looked at the pictures but still dont know exactly where it is and how to do everything

if you open the hood you will see a large plastic tube with the word caution on it, now look beneath it and you will see the fan. behind the fan on the engine you will see a gray metal pipe that takes a 90 degree turn going out from the engine. on that pipe there is 3 bolts holding holding it to the block. if you remove the three bolts you will see the thermostat inside. pm me for a more detailed explanation

Thanks for all of the info guys. I just called up my dad and he said to bring it over this weekend and he will help me do it. Luckily I had vacation scheduled for work this week so i dont have to drive much at all

I got the thermostat replaced and new coolant and everything is better now. It has actually never ran this cool before. It was the original thermostat in there so I guess it was about time to be replaced. It is a really easy job once you get those stupid bolts out that hold the housing on. Thanks again for the info
