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How soon should I make the first oil change? Neew 2008 model


Well-Known Member
February 19, 2008
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Limited Edition
I just bought a new 2008 truck and I wondering if I should change the oil at 500 miles for the first time. I plan on using amsoil later down the road, but not during break in.
I was thinking that I should change at
500, 1000, 1750, 3000, 5000 and then after this start running amsoil synthetic.
What do you guys think? Should I start running synthetic from the first change on? Otherwise I was going to start the break in with Castrol GTX.

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I remember hearing that you shouldn't start using synthetic till at least 5000-10000. I may be wrong though.

I read a thread on here somewhere saying your first change should be synthetic. I think my first synthetic change was around 3200 miles.

I know nothing about synthetics, but I've always heard that you should change your oil on a brand spanking new vehicle at around 500 miles to remove any excess metal shavings that may have remained during assembly. After that, if you stick to the 3K periodicity, you should have an engine that "loves" you forever. I've done that with my 91 EX and she still runs like brand new after 205K and you could literally eat out of my valve covers (although I wouldn't). Just my two cents.

I know nothing about synthetics, but I've always heard that you should change your oil on a brand spanking new vehicle at around 500 miles to remove any excess metal shavings that may have remained during assembly. After that, if you stick to the 3K periodicity, you should have an engine that "loves" you forever. I've done that with my 91 EX and she still runs like brand new after 205K and you could literally eat out of my valve covers (although I wouldn't). Just my two cents.

As I understand it, synthetics do 2 things for you: Reduce friction for reduced engine wear and better gas mileage, and allows you to replace oil every 5000 miles instead of 3000. I replace mine ever 4000 miles and I don't know if my mileage improved.

allows you to replace oil every 5000 miles instead of 3000. I replace mine ever 4000 miles and I don't know if my mileage improved.

You can go longer with synthetic oil, much further then 5000. I'll do a full change, then at 5000 miles I'll replace the filter and bring the oil back up to full, then at 10,000 i'll do another full change. The only way to truly tell how your oil life is going is to have it analyzed. I also have a few other friends that have done this longer then I have, so far no known issues.

As for how to break in your engine, I've read a few different places that for today's current engine technologies there's no true break in needed. But in others I've read the opposite.

A good person to ring in on this would be Aldive, he knows more about engine oil then almost anyone I know. His opinion would be a good one to get.

Of course, Aldive! I know he already answered this question, I'll see if I can find it.

Hmm, I wasnt sure about when I should start with synthetic either. I was thinking of waiting a bit for that. Maybe 5k or so.

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