how to lift the front to sas | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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how to lift the front to sas


Well-Known Member
December 20, 2003
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92,ex. 2000 7.3l
i have got a question for anyone that has done a sas in there front yard. what do i use to lift the front off the ground so i can put the radious arem in and the axle in with out it being to tippy. i want to get tall jack stands and place them as far forward as posible but i cant find any tall enuff. i have lifted the back but that was not hard any ideas or methods you have done.

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  • ap26-011.jpg
    49.8 KB · Views: 499

Oh and my explorer getting one too :)


  • de08-009.jpg
    50.4 KB · Views: 492

U need new jack stands. Also be careful around the truck when shes sitting like that and make sure other people are alsO AWARE she is sitting tippy on stands. Chock the rear tire.

Here's mine...


I moved it to the front after the TTB was removed because it got on the way of the radius arm.


how much do you think jack stands like the ones above cost? i am out in the middle of noware so it is hard to get things. think it would be better to rent them or buy them.



I couldn't really tell you hom much they cost cause they weren't mine. If you think you'll be using them again, get some, cause they are very handy.

how your truck riding it looks good i think isaw it finished, didnt i?

Me? It handles great! I couldn't have asked for it any better. Drives almost stock. lol....with a little body roll around corners with no sway bars. :D



looks good, 35s right how much was that roof rack

Yep, 35's.

And the rack I got from and was around $200 or so.

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Is that the surco rack? I got mine for like $160. I forget where, but it was online. I made my own light tabs for it too. trip to the local hardware store and there ya go. Cost me like $4 for the 2 light tabs.

Yeah, thats the surco rack. The light tabs are really easy to make yourself. I made the four for the front, 2 side ones, and 2 rear ones. Lots of lights. lol :D

surco rack, you dont remember were you got it.did you get it new?


that does not look safe. i think i have it figured out. at my work they have these high load table like things that are ajustable in hight they will work im shure.ill jack up the front and slide them under the font bumper.

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