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How to: Turning stock corners to clear corners

that is a very cool mod. i think that even though i like to buy most thing done already for me especially body stuff. i think that some of the mods i like the most are those cool small do it your self custom stuff.

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Originally posted by expo5.0
that and if one of them has a green leather interior i'll give you all the corners i can find.
ill check on interior for ya...

Damn, I wish I had known about this a year or so ago. Haha, remember our brain-storms about pouring gasoline and stuff in there?? Who would have thought it was this simple..... :rolleyes:

well, i got a set of stockers. gonna work on this after the other 5 million projects i have get finished.

sorry drew, no green interior. one was gray and trashed (broken windows w/ years of rain damage) and the other was the super-ugly tan that i have.

Nice work hartman, always thinking eh?:D

nice job hartman

Damn Hartman, that looks hella better than mine. NICE work. Way to figure out a better way to do it that looks cleaner.


I just completed doing this.

It looks good for the most part. I'm glad i did it. Now i just need to replace the amber bulbs. What is legal? Or does it differ from state to state? I don't think clear bulbs are legal are they?

To anyone else: It only took about an hour, and i'm very slow w/ tools. I went and bought a dremel, and now i'm about to go take it back...

go buy a can on silver engine paint. very lightly "mist" the stock amber bulbs. this will make them appear clear in the corners, yet they will still blink amber. in all honesty, they work better than amber LED's.

I'm going to try the Silverstar turn signal bulbs and see how they are. Hopefully they won't light up blue.

my uncle is a cop in moore, he says you can't have blue bulbs, he says he won't pull anyone over for them cause he has em on his 03 cobra. most cops in okc aren't punks about it. does anyone know if the headlights from an x will bolt in to a mountie grill? i can't take the amber out of mine cause it's actually part of the corner. damn the luck!!

Originally posted by mount-me
my uncle is a cop in moore, he says you can't have blue bulbs, he says he won't pull anyone over for them cause he has em on his 03 cobra. most cops in okc aren't punks about it. does anyone know if the headlights from an x will bolt in to a mountie grill? i can't take the amber out of mine cause it's actually part of the corner. damn the luck!!

what up man!? hey it's good to see another fellow man from okc area or that matter ok. so what about your mounty man. do you have any mods done to it?

Hey guys. I just did this today and it looks really cool. I was bored with te orange and decided I'd do a little work on my own. I'm looking at the budget mods and this was a good one. (Used a borrowed Dremel and whatever silicon caulk we had at the house). But, really good idea and the cuts barely show. If you guys have any other cheap or free mod ideas, please post. I don't a have a lot done, but it's alright. Good post.

Do you have to use a dremal or could you use a good boxer cutter style tool?

like a razor knife? definately not...but see if your neighbor has a dremel, if you're careful, it will be okay...just try to cut on the out side seam parallel to the back of the lens as to not cut all the sides the same direction or it will fall into the hole and be a real pain to stick back on...

The plastic is a good 1/16" thick. A dremel tool is required.

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I was wondering about the thickness..
Maybe I'll see if I can find a pair at a junkyard toplay with or just go ahead and just buy a set of clears and pray for the best :)
