How-To: Upgrading to SYNC 3, installing a stock GPS antenna and splitter | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How-To: Upgrading to SYNC 3, installing a stock GPS antenna and splitter


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March 6, 2016
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2016 Explorer Platinum
For those that have upgraded from SYNC 2 to SYNC 3 and want a better GPS signal than an aftermarket FAKRA antenna can provide, the purpose of this thread is to document the part numbers and upgrade process to the stock antenna.

Part 1) Replacing the antenna splitter - The stock antenna splitter (BB5T-18812-DD) only supports AM/FM and Sirius. This part must be replaced with a new splitter that also supports a GPS signal(GB5Z-10E928-A). Installation is straightforward but does require removing the glovebox. The connector is tucked behind the carpet to the right of the glovebox. There is a black and yellow connector that plug in to the back of the ACM beneath the APIM. Both of these connectors are color-coded to make installation easy.

The new antenna splitter with the blue GPS connector

APIM, ACM, and Glovebox removed for installation

Location of the antenna connector to the right of the glovebox

Part 2) Upgrading to a sharkfin antenna that can also receive a GPS signal. Coming Soon. (parts on order)

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Oh, my new shark fin antenna arrived today so part 2 is coming soon.

Okay. This is much more work than I anticipated. I started to drop down the rear headliner then realized the the surround pieces by the rear pillars and side pillars also need to be removed. The headliner is a cardboard type material that can’t be flexed without showing creases.

I also found that my left rear speaker was never connected! o_O

If anyone has any tips on removing the headliner it would be appreciated.

Okay. This is much more work than I anticipated. I started to drop down the rear headliner then realized the the surround pieces by the rear pillars and side pillars also need to be removed. The headliner is a cardboard type material that can’t be flexed without showing creases.

I also found that my left rear speaker was never connected! o_O

If anyone has any tips on removing the headliner it would be appreciated.
Factory Never Connected?

Factory Never Connected?

I believe so, it looks as if it had never been opened before and I have not had service work that would require removing it.

Part 2.

Okay, it is possible to install without removing all of the trim but it is not easy. I purchased my new antenna from 5hundred Designs - the antennas they sell support the GPS signal and they will pre-paint them. The housing can be swapped so painting is not a requirement.

The antenna on the top is the 2017 style which places a small GPS antenna on top of the Sirius satellite antenna. The antenna on the bottom is from my 2016.

To reach the antenna you'll need to pull out the top of the side trims. The side closest to the glass is held with strong magnets. The headliner is also held up with strong magnets. Removal requires a 10mm slim flex style wrench and a lot of patience. The 10mm bolt must be completely removed but you do not need to remove the bolt from the new antenna.

DO NOT flex the liner more than in this photo. Creases that extend in to the cabin may be visible.



A couple more photos of the signal strength and a diagram of parts


Ended up doing this after the 1st GPS antenna kept throwing Nav Faults. That nut that holds the antenna was a massive pain to get to and put back. But overall very happy with the install.

Part 2.

Okay, it is possible to install without removing all of the trim but it is not easy. I purchased my new antenna from 5hundred Designs - the antennas they sell support the GPS signal and they will pre-paint them. The housing can be swapped so painting is not a requirement.

The antenna on the top is the 2017 style which places a small GPS antenna on top of the Sirius satellite antenna. The antenna on the bottom is from my 2016.
Hi PlatinumOwner,
this is a great writeup - thank you for sharing the information!
From the picture of your original antenna I assume that the grey cable carries the satellite signal and that the black cable carries the AM/FM signal. What is the purpose of the blue cable?
Best regards

Hi PlatinumOwner,
this is a great writeup - thank you for sharing the information!
From the picture of your original antenna I assume that the grey cable carries the satellite signal and that the black cable carries the AM/FM signal. What is the purpose of the blue cable?
Best regards

The blue cable seems to be the power supply of the *active* antenna.


If you buy a 2017 Explorer Shark Fin base, is the GPS included? Just buying the base and swapping the cover seems much more cost effective than the $130, unless Ford still isn't putting the gps in the antenna base.


Welcome to the Forum John.:wave:
I have read in a few posts that Ford relocated the GPS antenna from under the dash to the roof mounted antenna in 2017+ Explorers. Can't comment on the shark fin make-up.



Thank you, Peter.

I discovered that the 2016-2017 are indeed compatible, but the 2018 added cellular and a 4g Hotspot with the shark fin getting an antenna now. So, I bought a 2017 from the same Edge where I got the screen and APIM. I will document any interesting things I come upon when I start this - I would like to be done by Labor Day!


@PlatinumOwner , do you know the Ford part number for the 2017 antenna with the gps included? Thanks.

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