Huge gas line explosion in SF | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Huge gas line explosion in SF


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 11, 2001
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City, State
Red Bluff, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
1975 Ford Bronco 4x4

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Tom is only about 30 miles NE of there :dunno:

Tom is only about 30 miles NE of there :dunno:

Yea, I don't know anyone in that area.

That's a wild thing happening there. Pinole is has plenty of water between here and that fire. :)

Oh, and they've been blowing things up all month in Oakland.. When they turned on the 12KV line into the center, they blew the cover off the vault..

Another, more local source of information is Home ie:

San Bruno explosion: Some victims identified

yah that was right across the bay from us, u could alot of smoke and nice red glow in the sky from oakland

im about 20 - 30mins on a good day on the freeway from that area..
