Hybrid Dana 35 VS. True Dana 35 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hybrid Dana 35 VS. True Dana 35

...Where do you find a nice black piece of plastic???

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...Like the one you have silly...

lets see the orginal was a piece of smoked lexan I think:scratch: I don't remember whats in there now. Some piece that was something else...O WAIT! Just remembered.;) CD Case:D painted black

Hey just a useless plug for how I mounted my switches. The plate is 1/4" aluminum with holes milled in it.


  • switches 001.jpg
    switches 001.jpg
    90.4 KB · Views: 2,308

...Bumping for the new guys...

...As for the compressor, I am saving up for a Puma or Viar for the future...;)

...We did find out, if you pushed a Dana 35 1"+ forward, lifted it higher and needed a longer drive shaft or, you have a solid axle that is moved forward by 1"- 1-1/2", the drive shaft off the Hybrid is perfect for this, as it is longer and a direct replacement...;)

...Updated the first post with more info...:biggthump

Thanks for the link...i'm gonna get the shaft installed today and post some pics.

Also, should you need a longer shaft RockRanger figured out that you can change out the front yoke piece of the driveshaft as there are different lengths available from Spicer. I think most people would be inclined to lengthen the tube portion of the driveshaft but this solution seems easier.

...It would be cool to find a stock extended yoke piece to cheaply swap out on the stock Dana 35 shaft...If someone has info on what models they came stock on would be some nice info to add here...

...Looking for the Hybrid shafts at the JY is not all that easy to find...

...Just an update...

...After a couple runs and kind of abusing it out at Truckhaven, I am very pleased that I did the Hybrid to true Dana 35 swap..Even without having air for the ARB yet,(which means it's running open in the front), it sure is nice not to have to worry about snapping another front axle shaft...

...The C-Clip Eliminator is a success also...I must admit that I have been crawling under the Ranger just to make sure I had no leaks but this was all truly a success...Everything has clearanced just fine and it looks the same as the day I put it on...:biggthump

...Bumpin for those who have pm'd me on this subject...:D
