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I got started on the engine


Well-Known Member
December 14, 2002
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 sport trac
did some painting last couple days, im pretty stoked how it came out. BTW thats all paint, no stickers. I used a bottle of flat black touch up paint to do all the black you see. :) I painted the battery box yellow as well, but no way im spending that much time blacking in all those letters.

I am actualy considering doing the liner on top in hi temp black and the ford logo in hi temp yellow. not sure yet though.

Also the upper intake is plastic, or similar...im tempted to paint that as well :p







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that looks very clean man, awesome!

Very impressive!

That looks so good that you've inspired me to clean up my engine a little before putting it back in the vehicle. I think I'll spray the cast iron block Ford blue and the cast iron exhaust manifolds aluminum. That might go well with the aluminum heads and block cradle and the black lower oil pan.

hehe thanks, whait til you see what i do with the airbox...

where did i put my drill.....

Great attention to detail. That ST is an interesting color yellow. Seems a little on the 'canary' side.

That looks so good that you've inspired me to clean up my engine a little before putting it back in the vehicle. I think I'll spray the cast iron block Ford blue and the cast iron exhaust manifolds aluminum. That might go well with the aluminum heads and block cradle and the black lower oil pan.

For the exhaust do not waste your time with paint. It will burn off.

Try this


there is also a do it yourself ceramic liquid

Great attention to detail. That ST is an interesting color yellow. Seems a little on the 'canary' side.

the truck is actually zink yellow, however the paint i used for those plastic parts is the closest thing i could find around town. you will also notice some on the front of the engine near the radiator, thats where i cleaned up some rust.

