I killed Her | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I killed Her

Well it all started this morning. A co-worker and I decided to do a little offroading today in a new area. He has a full size gmc jimmy and of course i have my 95 Xlt. So we head out, finally we reach the new trails...looks fun. We pull in its a muddy wet mess, we continue on. 1 mile or so in we come across a mud hole.. "ive heard of this one he says".. I grin. I nose up to it he is guiding me in inch by inch. WHAM!!! all of a sudden im up to the hood immeditally my explorer shut down... HYDROLOCK OH NO..... My buddy hooks the blazer to me and spin spin jerk jerk and finally im out. First things first spark plugs gotta go. Pull them out fairly simple ordeal until... I DROPPED A DAMN PLUG IN THE DAMN MUDHOLE..... NOOOOO!!!!! After swiming with the mud i locate it along with many many sticks that feel very similar to a damn spark plug. I attempt to spin my engine over with the starter with open combustion chambers ....click click click.. please god dont let me be seized up. We pull the battery out of the jimmy luckly its side and top post. Singe the connections and cycle the key..eureka we have a masive 6cyl water fountain. Dumb me didnt pull the fuel pump fuse oh well. Install plugs and of course number 6 falls... please re-read spark pliug recovery attempt above for an exact reproduction as this one. Moment of truth sill it start... crank crank crank vroommm clank clank clank ...OH NOO. Sounds like a bad rod now probally bent from not being able to compress the water. As im trying to diagonse the situation I here rumbling v8 at high rpm's behind... I hope he didnt.... he did. My buddy decided to give the same hole a try and got a few feet farther then me ( he didnt hydrolock i did ..my excuse lol). HE IS GLUE STUCK. He crawls through the back glass and throws me a 30ft tow strap "your turn". I think in my head im gonna send this rod into orbit if i do this. So i backed up and hooked up. (cant pass a chance to pull a GM out) I take the slack out of the strap and its on. Hammer down and i meen just like that GMC is out and im still running and of course the im half blowed up and still yanked you out speech insued. I drove her 35miles home in all her knocking glory with a big grin on my face. Tis was a good day for the explorer granted shes wounded but will wheel another day. GOOD TIMES

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Nice story. So you going to V8 it? Or you going to put a stock motor back in it.

V8 is the next item on the list. Havent decided 302 efi or carb. If i go carb im going to a 331ci. THe reason i bought this "ex" was more of a camping/safari themed rig able to travel the interstate with decent mpg. Something is telling me to hell with it and go carb 331 with good heads basically a super mild built V8 if that makes sense. I run my 24hr service truck for 7 days every other week so mileage will be low and i live 2 miles from my shop. IMO carb v8 is just alot easier swap to me. I have a local guy on craigslist parting out a 96 ex 4.0 ill give him 350 for that engine install in a weekend drive then build 331.

Had a chance to check it out today. Compression check beautiful. Its deff in the valvetrain for sure.

So whats your next move.

I am pulling the oil pan today and checking for excessive bottom end play. Then pulling valve covers and looking for collapsed lifter or something bent.

Broke baby broke, I have a 1/4 inch play from the bottom of the encap. Bearings are gone. So now i have a msd 6al ignition box and hei dizzy for my carb 302 i picked up. I have been reading about the truck avenger carbs for offroading. I payed $700 for an engine with a mild cam and high rise intake. Hood is going to be a problem havent figured that part out yet. Thinking im going to tear down my 4.0 and seeing how serious things got under the head, if it isnt completlly trashed the turbo forged internals 4.0 build shall insue for another ex im goona pick up.

='( 'Twas a beautiful story!!!! HAHAHAHAHa

That was a good story liked how you still pulled out the GMC. you should do the carbed 302 i think it will be easyier sound better and look coller when you show everybody :D

I just reenacted your saga, fml. I sure home I get luckier than you and only find a bent pushrod, no money for repairs beyond that.

302 is in basement as we speak looks so pretty.

I am so happy I read that
I am proud of your explorer
and yet I am sad, but good job

The "i heard the v8 vroom" part made me laugh my ass off because thats totally something my friends would do while i'm sitting there trying to fix my explorer x D

Of course, the name of 'sploder is now "Jimmy Puller".

When asked, you've got a great story to tell.
