Rolled her on Wednesday | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rolled her on Wednesday

went over to my grandmas to plow and shovel on wednesday after all that snow. coming home on a narrow road, had to meet somebody and the tires dropped off the edge. when i was trying to get back on the road, it threw me out making me slide heading for the other ditch. already was locked in, so i was just gonna go out in the field and need pulled out, except the ditch turned me, sliding sideways in 18" of snow. went over once and landed on the tires facing the road. insurance says shes totaled, dont know exactly how much im getting for it yet. im gonna miss her, lots of good times in that truck. got some pics that i will get on here too :roll:

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wow sorry to hear that glad your ok

Bummer. :(

No good deed goes unpunished eh? Glad to hear you're ok.

What a bugger, must have been a ride and a half ay? Glad your good mate.

thanks guys, i know im lucky. actually got hurt more taking stuff off and emptying it. cut my hands up pulling the hitch, tow hooks, and lights off. sitting in the driveway ready for them to come get it, gonna be a sad day :(

sorry to hear bout that


at least our ok! i rolled mine last year on black ice / snow but luckly i didnt dent the frame or do anything that would cause it to total. 600 bucks and it was road worthy the next day.

the drivers door being like this /\ to the body is probly what did her in for good, damage wasnt too bad other than that. itll be sad to see her go

she has been replace with a 2000 XLT 4x4, 4.0L SOHC, 115k miles. picked it up for $4099.50 tax, title, & out the door.
