I like my Goodyear RT/S tires | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I like my Goodyear RT/S tires

Never thought I'd say it. I just realized that I have 80K on this set of tires. When I bought them (Free from Ford), I kind of just picked them at random. The Michilen models were out of stock so I settled for these. I never thought I'd put 80K on them. I still have good tread left too. I figure another 15K before I need to replace them.

Anyway I just wanted to give the Goodyear RT/S a good review.

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I wish mine would wear out. I have 52K on them and they are noisy as hell. I also got them free from Ford and I was also going to get Michelins but they were on backorder, so I settled on the RT/S instead.

Great treadwear, noisy ride.

I will agree that they last a very long time. But when they wear down they a bit iffy in the rain and downright horrible in the snow. When the roads were dry they did a nice job and handled well.

Ahhh......I finally replaced mine. My truck is (relatively) quiet again. I got almost 54K and had a fair amount of tread left but those tires were driving me crazy.

I ended up with Pirelli Scorpion A/T which seem to work well in the rain - we have flood warnings in Northern Cal today.

$700 (4 tires) from America's Tire with the roadhazard and lifetime balance warranty. It would have been about $650 without. I decided to go for the lifetime balance because the bigger tires seem to go out of balance easier. I had to get the Goodyears rebalanced after a couple of years.

For comparison, the BF Goodrich A/T KO would have been $850 with the same warranty.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I have 255/70 R16, so they cost a bit more.
