I need help getting my truck started. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I need help getting my truck started.


February 1, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Goshen, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Explorer XLT
Hey guys, hope someone can help me with this problem. I have a 98 Ford Explorer all wheel drive, SOHC 6 CYL.
It seems that the factory installed alarm or one that was installed at sometime before I bought my used truck it's having problems and now it won't let me start my truck. Several weeks ago the battery in the alarm remote control died and the truck would not start, I had to get a tow truck thinking that maybe the truck battery had died but after trying to jump the battery and playing with the key in the ignition the truck started with no problems. I replaced the remote control battery and the alarm was working fine for about two weeks until today where the remote control would only open the doors but not set the alarm. Now again the truck would not start, I have lights and power but when turning the ignition on nothing happens except the door locks open and close. I'm stuck and I need to be able to move my truck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance,

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can you post up a picture of the remote?

Thank you for getting back to me, the problem seem to have been the starter. I took the truck to the dealer because my mechanic could not work with the factory install alarm. After replacing the drivers door alarm sensor, getting it back only to have the problem reoccur a day latter, I had the dealer keep the truck until they could find the problem.
One week later, after testing everything else, they they tried replacing the starter and that solved the problem.
It seems that a small electrical short in the starter was causing the problem intermittently.
Again thank you for getting back to me,

no problem glade to hear it got fixed sorry i count help sooner have had very many family issue/computer problem off and on keeping me very tied up and off the computer for a large amount of time.....
