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I was on craigslist when.....wtf?


Well-Known Member
January 7, 2009
City, State
Amherst NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Sport Trac XLT
Now I know I have never seen BFG all terrains like this. I can only imagine these are recaps. They almost look like it but I cant tell too well from the pics. Please help me ease my mind.


Not my size anyway.

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they are the same as mine. yes they are re-treads by a south dakota company called treadwright they are well known for their off road re-treads that is their gaurd dog pattern on BFGoodrich cassings.

Although they're retreads, they're known to be good tires.

They look great for retreads. The ones we had done for some of our plow pickups look like complete garbage compared to these. From the pricing I seen from TreadWright, it looks like someone is going to bent over if they pay what he is asking.

lol, looks like a old style Goodyear Wrangler MT/R rip off.


A fair amount of guys on here have the guard dogs and like how they perform in the dirt/mud/etc

Do I get credit If I trade in my worn BFG's?:D

Edit: Actually I can! I just don't know what I would do at Mt. Rushmore for 6 weeks waiting for them.:(

stic-o you can visit me if its in august im deployed now but my base is ellsworth right there near rapid city. the trails out there are emense so we can do a trail/camping outing.

they actually have stock on hand and you can hand pic what cassing and tread combo you want. yes the gaurd dog is a mtr knock off and the wardens are a bfg all terrain knock off. they have cassing in BFG mud, BFG all terrain, goodyear wrangler

their site is: www.treadwright.com

they have some very aggresive mud terrains and some more road mannered LT all season/terrain

they actually have stock on hand and you can hand pic what cassing and tread combo you want. yes the gaurd dog is a mtr knock off and the wardens are a bfg all terrain knock off. they have cassing in BFG mud, BFG all terrain, goodyear wrangler

Its pretty cool that they do all that. Making hybrid tires with some of the best/most popular off road tires. :biggthump

and at half the cost its good. the balance good for retreads too most wieght i had to add was 1.25oz which is not uncommon on larger truck tires to begin with.

Nice!!!..... To bad i live in Canada, eh! lol

And now they are making bead to beads with their own casing if you so desire. My buddy just got the Wardens this weekend and is so far impressed with them, as much of a review you can do in 3 days anyway.

What he meant by rip off tire is the price on line is 120.00 each and this guy is asking 400.00 for two pretty good mark up I say.

yeh way over priced hell even having them shipped ups frieght wouldn't equal that mark up

Oh yeah, wow. I initially thought that was for four. That's more than I paid for the 35s.
