I went to start my 95 Explorer, but.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I went to start my 95 Explorer, but....


March 26, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Thomasville, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Explorer
I broke it. :(




Any clue what I should do next ?

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first of all, how did it happen, and if the that was the whole lock cylinder, just go buy a new one

I went to start it, and as I turned it, I heard, and felt, a snap. It kept turning, leaving the vehicle on, but not running. as I went to turn it off, knowing that something wasn't right, I tried removing the key, in which I removed the entire thing. No idea why it happened.

Maybe I can take some pictures as I (try and) take the column apart.

I disconnected the battery last night. I had to. Otherwise I would have a dead battery :D

Stop taking them steroids, man....:D

You know I think 95 was a bad year for the key sets. I had a 95 ranger that was very loose, in fact I could remove the key while the truck was running. But I never had results like that DOH!!! At least you where at home when it happened.

That's impressive....

You should need to replace the lock cylinder... not a terribly difficult job under normal circumstances, but in your case, I don't know... Depends what may have gone sproing when the core pulled out.

Good luck!

Well. I replaced the lock cylinder. Everything looked good. But no starting. No idea why. Called the dealership (they have installed a computer on it that will shut it down if I don't pay on time. Already thought of payment, that's not the issue.)

They said they were coming out here to check it out for me (suuch nice people)

I did take pictures, so If I can figure out the problem, then I can post a step by step on what I did.

Anyone interested in a write up?
