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November 24, 2014
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2007 Explorer XLT
Hey guys, I have been in this forum a while now just kind of lurking. I am finally ready to start personalizing my Sexplorer! I have an 07 XLT that I'm ready to make pretty. It is the dark stone color. I'm trying to figure out what would look good on it. I really like the idea of a black bently style grill and black wheels with some spacers. Also maybe a bullgaurd and painting the headlight lenses black...I'm really just worried about whether black will even look good with this color truck... What do you guys think. Any other ideas for it? I'm open to anything but I'm going for a more street the one in [MENTION=15053]3FordFamily[/MENTION]'s profile please

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Thanks for the love! Halos, wheels, blacking out mostly everything makes a big difference! Not a fan of chrome so I got rid of alol of it (except the insert in the wheels but I can remove it if I want)

Depending on how street you want to be 24x8 or 24x8.5 on proper offset (+45 I believe) with 295/35/24 will work too. Those tires have lots of meat and I had them on my 2003 explorer for a long time. Youtube "chargerondavins" and you'll see my old charger and my old explorer. The explorer has those 24s on it and they should fit the exact same between the years.

My 22s are 40 series and about the same overall diameter

I'm a family guy now and pushin 30, 24s are too much for me on an explorer now.

Pics in the thread link in my sig also

In my opinion you have the best looking ex on here man...I have been marveled by it since the day I joined you think the black will look good on my color?

To be honest I think it would look great. My f150 is that same color and it's got the same theme:

My fusion somewhat similar as well but white and stainless wheels are coming for it but black on white looks great too

Only lets me attach one at a time


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Current stable


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My old truck next to my new one. (The kid that bought it is a friend of mine)

He has since blacked out his grills and plans to black out some or all of the rims.


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I borrowed my explorer look from my old ranger edge tremor I used to have:

Never was a fan of stepside bed but price was right. Tried to trade beds up until I traded it in on my f150


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Last one of ranger


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I would go for a safari / off road look.

The headlights are regular oem modified with painting the inside and halos


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