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I'm a hot rodder


January 9, 2007
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Flagstaff Arizona
Year, Model & Trim Level
87 Merkur 87 tbird turbo
This is a very cool site. I was searching for info on the a4ld transmission, and stumbled onto you folks. I am a semi retired mechanic. I have had a performance shop within the lasty couple years that I had to walk away from for health reasons. I am very much into Ford power. my personal vehicles are a Merkur XR4ti with a turbo Ford 2.3, and a C3 automatic(It needs the a4ld badly)a Thunderbird SC 3.8 supercharged with a 5 speed manual, and finally a Buick Grand National 3.8 turbo charged and 200r4 automatic. My wife has a Isuzu 4wd pickup that I want to put a 2.3 turbo motor, and a a4ld in. My buddy and I are also upgrading the a4ld in his 87 thunderbird turbo coupe. Thanks for letting me be a part of your site. Later

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why would you want a a4ld? a a4ld isnt a upgrade its a downgrade, they only can handle 200hp if that

A built A4LD can hold up

for a while

How much HP are you making in your Xr4ti?


Those cars are straight up rockets

welcome to the forum!

My Murkur makes about 230or so with a 25 shot of N20. It has a ported head 42lb injectors, and a very small under the hood intercooler. I had a nice front mount, but my daughter kept smashing it into things. I am still running the stock T3 turbo at 18 psi until I put a good intercooler back on it and turn up the boost. I believe a A4ld can be built to handle some good power. They used to say the 200r4 in the Buick Grand Nationals was weak, but now we see them standing up to 700-800 hp without a hitch. You have some of the best A4ld guru's right here on this sight. I am hopeing to use their help to build a few bullit proof A4ld's for my projects. Thanks for the wellcome guys...and gals. Later

I would not put the aluminum overdrive of the A4LD behind 300+ HP myself, but I did use one (transwerx in CA built) to tow a 19' boat all over with 33" tires until I went V8!

Aren't there aftermarket OD kits for the C4?

I had a 1987 Merkur XR4ti (SOLID roof!....pretty rare, for those not in the know) a couple years back. I LOVED that car! Awesome handling, and enough power to get myself into trouble!...

I sold it when I bought my Explorer, and I needed the money to buy an engine for the X.

Right before I sold it, I came across a Pinto Wagon, with a 2.3L, and a c4 Transmission....For those that don't know...that car (Pinto Wagon) was just about the only thing you could find the correct bellhousing that would mate a 2.3L to a C4...THEN you could add a Gear Vendors Overdrive unit to it, and have anywhere from 4 to 6 speeds, depending on how you split the gears.

The A4LD/55RE Hybrid that was built would be the way to go on this build.


Why not go with an AOD? These can be built to take alot of horse power.

Aod In A Xr4ti = Fit?

The AOD will not bolt up to a 2.3, or any of the other engine classes that use the A4ld as far as I know.

I thought the 2.3 shared the Windsor bellhousing patern. They used the AOD in Fox body Mustangs/T-Birds/Cougars with the 2.3 as far as I know.

I am 90% sure the Merkur version has the same 2.3L bolt pattern, its the SVO engine

The fox body SVO mustang 2.3 turbo used the a4ld as did the tbird turbo coupe and xr7 Cougar. The V6 mustangs used the AOD. I have no idea why the Germans used the c3 on the Merkur when the A4ld was available.

Something is fishy here, the 2.3L Merkurs came with either a T5 manual or a C3

As I understand it the T5 and C3/C4 have the same bellhousing and bolt pattern as the SB 289/302.

The A4ld was never used behind the V8, only the 60 degree V6's?

Now the C3 became the C4 and a version of the C4 was used behind the 2.8L 60 degree V6 called a C5, but as far as I know there is no bellhousing to put a A4LD behind a 5.0L or 2.3L UNLESS your C3 bellhousing will work?

This is interesting, I could have sworn the 2.3L has the same bolt pattern as the 5.0L??

The C3 became the A4ld.

I understand this but this does not = C3 bellhousing will fit the A4LD and the 5.0/2.3L

Show me where the A4Ld was ever used behind the 2.3L, I cant find the info, all I can find is it wass 4 speed available for the T bird and SVO 2.3LT

I am not doubting you I just want to learn, I have been messing with conversions a long time and NEVER have I seen an A4ld Behind a I4 turbo or the 5.0L, just the 60 degree blocks

The pinto C3 (c3+ aluminum OD drum, converter lock up function = A4LD) should NEVER have been used in the heavy 4x4 Explorer, hell even the Ranger is too heavy for that sucker....they were a good unti from the factory but not exactly "heavy duty", yes they can be built but you better trust your builder ALOT :)

I certainly don't know all there is to know about it. I did make a mistake. The SVO mustang only came with the t5 manual. It wasn't until 87, after the SVO was gone that the 2.3 mustang used the a4ld until about 1993 when I think the 2.3 was used in the Ranger pickups. The c3 was used in the N/A 2.3 mustangs before 87. But you know I am getting pretty old, and fogetfull. Later

Mr Merkur you were correct, the 4 banger Mustangs did use a version of the A4LD I stand corrected. My Mustang finatic buddy just told me all about it.

However the early A4LD should not be expected to hold up behind a 250+ HP turbo engine, but if its built well and in the light xr4ti (compared to our trucks) you may get away with it.

Anythings better then your C3 auto! thats for sure....

Thanks for the knowledge, but dont let this info leak out because the next thing you know people will be trying to run the A4LD behind their 5.0L V8's in the Ranger/Explorer = KABOOM

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