Im back w/ more problems. When I stop it stops! wtf | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Im back w/ more problems. When I stop it stops! wtf


Explorer Addict
March 15, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Carey, Ohio (Georgia Grown)
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT
So got a lot of things fixed and been driving fine. left it sit for about two weeks then decided time to clean it out for a field meet with friends, yeah, got to the stop sign, pressed break and it dropped to very low rpms to the point i had to hit gas/break to keep it running.
does this in all gears but Park. sitting and rev, same thing when rev dies down, the ex tries to stop running.

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Do you smell gas? is it "stumbling" then dying? If so it may be a Fuel Pressure Regulator Valve. A quick test is to locate the valve on the fuel rail (a chrome cylidrical valve with a vac line running out of the top of it into a vacuum tee on the intake plenum). Pull the line from it and if gasoline is in the line you need to replace the valve.

i found the fpr buried under the upper intake, which sucks, didnt realize you had to take off intake and fuel rail. i couldnt find the valve you suggested to pull off and check. it kind of comes and goes, i started it today and tried all the stuff i did yesterday, didnt do it, but i drove up to Gas Station to do more gas and pick up beer and sure **** enough it did it three times. i can get an fpr delphi for about 60 bucks, but then i gotta get o rings for the fuel injectors right? and gasket (or gasket)maker for the upper intake. im gonna stop out at Harbor Freight and see if they have a fuel pressure checker, and start there i guess will that tell me if the fpr is bad?

ok so my lovely wife is a serious hardcore couponer... soooo went to harbor freight got a fuel pressure checker w/ her 20% off coupon and free rope!
any way results

Key Off Engine Off
0 psi
Key ON Engine Off let fuel pump run cycle
15 PSI
Key On Engine Running
15 PSI
Engine Running High Rev from Idle
15 psi

sooooooooooo fpr?

Gotta love free rope!

Yeah, 15 is a tad low. But, I think you are looking at the wrong part. Go to the point where you are measuring the pressure and then go forward about 3 inches. You should be seeing a stainless steel wrapped line. That line is connected to the top of the FPR, it's right there... that line goes into the top of it. Mainly the battle is rubber hoses. Go to a parts site and look at a picture of one, you will get the idea.

ill go look again, i went by the Haynes manual on location and looked there, ill go look again and take a pic of what im looking at. so i guess my next thing is will changing the fpr change the pressure im getting or should i look at more stuff

The SS mesh line is the return to the tank. So, if you could block it somehow, and the pressure went up, then that would prove your FPR bad. The legit way is to find a cap that fits where the ss line is going on that elbow. A less legit way might be to pinch off the ss line gently and see if pressure goes up.

Ok took a while, with kids and all... but i got the fpr off, nasty lil bugger had rust all over it etc, checked all the gas lines they werent pinched nor leaking so that is good. the fpr its self had no gas in it at all when i took it off, dumped it, blew air in etc, nothing notta no gas in it. i guess flip side is while its all taken apart ill paint the upper intake while im waiting on the part

i have a part in ? that ill get pics of tomorrow... there was a hose hooked up to a weird lil t that the a/c had a line on, well now the line is empty because i eliminated the a/c ill take pics tomorrow... hopefully when i get the fpr on itll be good

can i just use red rtv for the gasket maker? i cant seem to find just the gasket for the upper manifold. everyone wants to sell the set... i dont need the set.. more so cant really afford the set

was just looking at that, trying to see if adv will have it, they are a lot closer, so i didnt order the fpr yet, but i saw Adv can get this one anyone heard about this one? direct fit?

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