I'm being followed by jets, everywhere I go | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I'm being followed by jets, everywhere I go

Capt'n Morgan

November 14, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Southeast Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
05 Limited V8 AWD
When I stop, they stop. And I never see them.:confused:

That's what it sounds like, at least at low speeds. WIth the heater off and the radio off, it sounds like there are jets way in the distance. It sounds like it's coming from the rear, and it's almost like a metal on metal noise.

Any idears?

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When I stop, they stop. And I never see them.:confused:

That's what it sounds like, at least at low speeds. WIth the heater off and the radio off, it sounds like there are jets way in the distance. It sounds like it's coming from the rear, and it's almost like a metal on metal noise.

Any idears?

Shrooms are a powerful drug, huh?


I know a lot of 3rd gens have required rebuilt rearends, not sure of the reason, but my dad's 05 with less than 80,000 miles did for a very hefty price. I don't remember but he might have even needed a completely new axle center section.

I'm being followed by jets, everywhere I go.. When I stop, they stop. And I never see them.:confused:

When you hear the missile lock tone you better eject.... :p:

I think one of your door seals need replacing or re fitting, I thought for the longest of times I had an alien craft throttling up on my roof.. then I fixed my drivers door seal, all fine, that noise has gone.
I am on medication for the wild lights and voices- but thats another story!!!!! LOL!!!!

I think one of your door seals need replacing or re fitting, I thought for the longest of times I had an alien craft throttling up on my roof.. then I fixed my drivers door seal, all fine, that noise has gone.
I am on medication for the wild lights and voices- but thats another story!!!!! LOL!!!!

I hope it's just a door seal. I did notice the other day that the gap on the right side of the lift gate is noticeably wider than the one on the left. Maybe there is a sealing issue there.

Did you check the rear bearings, and brakes? Maybe the parking brake is partially applied?

Good thoughts, I haven't checked any of those. I wouldn't know where to start with the bearings. It's too cold to do anything myself out in the garage, I hope it's none of those!

Maybe you hear noise from the rear differential?

That was my first thought.

I know a lot of 3rd gens have required rebuilt rearends, not sure of the reason, but my dad's 05 with less than 80,000 miles did for a very hefty price. I don't remember but he might have even needed a completely new axle center section.

EEK! :eek:

The good thing is that I didn't hear it at all today. Instead I heard noise from the front end again, only weeks after the ball joints were all replaced. DOH!

Well, you have purchased an Explorer, haven´t you? Did you expect anything else? :D
