I'm going to be in Truckin's SUV!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I'm going to be in Truckin's SUV!!


Active Member
April 23, 2002
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City, State
Erie, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 4.0L XLT
I just got an email from the editor of Truckin's SUV that I'm going to be in the next letters section of their magazine, and I can't decide which pic I took today is best - I'm making a web gallery right now.


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Just been looking. My choice is either the second or third pic. Just a quickie question why are your headlights darker than the clears? Is this by design?
All the best and well done.

i say the 2end or 3erd pic as well. Congrads. How do you get in there anyways. I would like my X to be in a mag. that would be sweet! PM me the info if you will.

yup, 2 or 3 are good.

his headlights are probably just old and clouded. Looks like it's time to clean them (soap and water and dry them well) or new ones.

Originally posted by Alec
yup, 2 or 3 are good.

his headlights are probably just old and clouded. Looks like it's time to clean them (soap and water and dry them well) or new ones.

Yep, just need to get off my ass and clean them :-\

go for the 2#

You will have to tell us which issue so we can see it.

Oh, I like #2.

Why do you have one type of tires on the front and another on the back?

I'd use picture #2

Hey Good luck with the magazine. Just a thought though, if you are going to represent and expose your new site, you should take some picts of the Explorer in action. Disconnect the swap bars, and take her out on a trail and take some photos of what these babys can do stock!

Just a thought, we X owners need to get all the publicity we can, might as well make it good plublicity.

Also, when taking pictures, don't let the back round over power the truck. Your truck should be the main subject/focal point in the photo. Take some closer picts of your rig in action, maybe even at an angle. Look at some magazine covers, you'll get the picture. =) Have fun!

955 or 945


(One more to 500 posts for me :))

I like 945

Why are you being featured in this magazine? Just curious.

BTW, here's the letter:

I was browsing the magazine rack the other day and I came across your publication. I must say I am quite impressed! As the owner and administrator of www.FordExplorer.net I'm extremely happy to see SUV's getting the attention they deserve. It is far too often that SUV's are brushed off as just gas guzzling family haulers, and I personally can say that is NOT what mine is used for. I own a 1996 Explorer with the 4.0L OHV V6 and I absolutely love it. Whether I'm going on a long trip on the highway or heading to camping via back roads, my Explorer holds me in the highest level of comfort and allows ample storage space for all of my gear. When I go camping, I go with a group of friends, and my truck hauls no less than 3 persons worth of coolers, bags, tents and whatnot, and I've still got room for 5 passengers. Can you do that with any other vehicle? I think not. I will certainly be purchasing a subscription to your magazine, and hope to see more quality articles (especially about Explorers!).
I copied that from one of the links... the letter he wrote i suppose....

they must be low on letters er something... doesn't seem that inspring to me er nothing... I can name quite a few grocery getters that will do the same, as the average stock sploder.... :rolleyes:

Yep, that's the letter - not particularly inspiring, but a big part of that mag is trying to fight the grocery getter stereotypes most people see about Explorers, I'm sure you've all heard it. It's a bi-monthly article, so it'll be on shelves in 2 months.

I thought SUV magazine was more for the pavement pounders who are more into neon and sound systems than offroading of any sort.:rolleyes:

I can just imagine the replies from all the guys with different brands of SUVs . "My Mercedes can take me offroad in comfort too...."

Nope, this was one of the featured vehicles in the previous issue (before current), and there was also a special section on 3 different Explorers, which is what caught my eye to buy the mag


I checked out there website.... here are a few more from the same issue. This is what I meant.


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  • red.jpg
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Yep the PT Cruiser was actually in Truckin's SUV magazine.


  • pt.jpg
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