I'm skeptical of the mac Cold air intake | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I'm skeptical of the mac Cold air intake

Another thing to remember is the driving habits after the installation of the MAC cai. I have a customer which purchased one looking for economy thereafter was "in" it all the time. Finally came to me complaining of the mileage drop. The next sentence explaining how well it sounded at wot. Hmmm. Figured out where his mileage was going. But this was an extreme case of a misinformed person and internet forums. He thought he could stay in it and get better mileage.

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go with the $65 one from ebay. I love the sound everything was in the kit. and i got 1-2 mpg from it when i drive easy.

go with the $65 one from ebay. I love the sound everything was in the kit. and i got 1-2 mpg from it when i drive easy.

The MAC cai kit is far superior to the ebay kits which generally do nothing for performance or economy. You have to look beyond the price and look at the fit and finish, quality silicone connectors and such. With a ebay intake you get exactly that a chinese intake which generally is a knock off of intakes which were originally designed in America, but fall short because of short cuts in engineering and design due to the lower price and infererior materials.There are differences,as a tuner I am fully aware of the short comings. Not only that at least you can rest knowing that the MAC intake wasn't made in a sweat shop. You get what you pay for.

If you want to go cheap then I would get a MAF adaptor of ebay (About 5 bucks) and then start measuring to see what size cone filter you can fit. I believe the MAF adaptor will be 3-1/" and bolt up to your stock MAF. You'll have to toss the stock box.

But honestly, if you want to save a headache, then go with the MAC. IT WILL FIT. The angle thats closest to the TB might not be perfect, but this really doesn't effect anything.
