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Insidious Ping!


Originally posted by timfretwell

Yea Nick,
It sounds as if the EGR is not being controlled properly. I can't remember what the thing is called either. I had it replaced on my Ranger a couple years ago, didn't cost too much, and man, it ran like a new truck. It's error buffer was full of EGR codes at the time, but my EGR vavle was ok also.


Well, I got my truck out of the shop a couple weeks ago, they put in new plugs, plug wires, and a fuel filter, all stock. It definately runs better, and the ping is gone. My gas mileage has improved by about 1MPG, up to about 13.5 city, which I still don't have a warm fuzzy feel about but I guess thats about as good as it gets.....

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flyguy...the egr position sensor or egr backpressure sensor(i cant remember which one the X has) is reccomended to be replaced with the valve. even if its not bad.

Originally posted by fordkrazy
flyguy...the egr position sensor or egr backpressure sensor(i cant remember which one the X has) is reccomended to be replaced with the valve. even if its not bad.
Just curious,
Do you know if your K&N drop in improved your mileage any? I've heard 2MPGs can be expected, but don't know if thats worth the $40 plus $20 for recharge kit.

You really dont have to clean the K&N very often... what is it rated at? 50,000 miles or something? I clean all the time cuz thats how I am... hehe... but It being dirty doesnt seem to restrict the airflow.


it is kind of expensive but the 40bucks for the filter is one time and the recharge kit that i got was only about 12bucks and i would say that you could get about 6 cleanings out of the kit. i think that it is worth it just cause it gives me more power. the gas mileage is going to be related to driving habbits. most of the time if you improve power your mileage will go down cause you will have a tendency to drive more aggressively. but if you can control yourself then it will improve gas mileage. so will a muffler and bigger throttle body.......IF
