install i've been working on this weekend | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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install i've been working on this weekend


Elite Explorer
October 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Red Wing, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 xlt
here are a few pictures of an f150 i've been working on with a couple L5 12s. he'll eventually be runnign 2 sets of abc6003q audiobahn 3-way components (my old sets) as well and a lot of power/L7s.

edit- not my rebel flag


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pretty tight...whats gonna be going on under the sub box?

that's what happens when people want just two 12s to "fill" the rear of the truck

it will just be capped off

wow looks like alot of work and wasted space, but to each his own!
Nice job, fuzzy pics....

Could you have built it lower or do you get a better sound stage by mounting the subs that high up. Not picking, just curious since I've never owned a pick up. From what I can see though, nice work!

nah- it's just for cosmetic reasons. I'll be basically fiberglassint he entire interior of that truck in the coming months and he wanted the box to fill up the space- but he had enoug space for about a 12 cubic foot box and no need for subs that took up that much airspace.

the box specs are 6.3 cubes at 32 hz (same as our box in the escape too)


that is my favorite for L7s

Why not mount the amps in the opening?

there will be an amp rack built into the front of that box (angled so it fits behind the seats)

the amp rack will sort of flow, one piece like, into the center console we started cutting for yesterday

he has to buy amps before i'm building that though

most likely he'll be running a 502 and a 1501d mtx (modded of course!)

Looks good, throw an extra battery or something under neath so its not completely wasted.

we were planning on throwing the battery in the back of the center console (right in front of the enclosure) actually.

you guys will like the install i started tonight better i bet-

it's got two mtx 942s, a 342, and two 9500 12s, in the trunk of a 350 hp 2004 mustang gt with whatever supplies i want to use (metal, fiberglass etc.)- basically whatever budget i want for that stuff. Going to be more exciting, at least in the near future than that f150. the mustang shoudl be done about 5 months before the actual eta of the f150s complete system.

i'll throw up a couple pictures of the escape here too, since i recently redid it for my brother and didn't post up any pictures.

thanks for the kidn words- sorry i didn't use that space more effectively... lol. I'm sure he'll probably use it to stash some interesting stuff, right? lol.


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Yea....looking good. I am more confident now in your kick panel making skills LOL. I will have ya some funding prolly tomorrow.

expo5.0 said:
thanks for the kidn words- sorry i didn't use that space more effectively... lol. I'm sure he'll probably use it to stash some interesting stuff, right? lol.

Hey, as long as you build what the customer wants, right? I say get your money and have fun doing it. Nice work on the Escape, BTW.

the sub box is mostly built for the mustang (what can be built outside of the trunk anyways), but we are waiting on some mirror plexi to come in before we can assemble it.

i got the components installed up front, everythign deadened, a battery tray fabricated and installed, and the amp rack mocked up-


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