Installing a 99+ bumper. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Installing a 99+ bumper.


Well-Known Member
July 25, 2005
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Anna, Tx
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95 XLT
Anyone have one of those books that does a breakdown of the vehicles and shows you how its all goes together. If so would you happen to have anything about the 99-01 bumper. If so could ya scan it or email it to me, ill paypal ya 5 bucks if you wish :)

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you can go to autozone online and go the know how section, i believe that is what it is called, and put your vehicle info in and it will show you the diagrams and steps on what to do. hope this helps you

If you get the entire assembly(support/brace and cover it will bolt right onto your '95.

Yep, right there on the Autozone site:

I didn't know that was there, but I have one of the Chilton's books on the car. I would suggest getting one, it has a lot of useful information for whatever you may need to do now or in the future.

I'm not too certain that's right, though. On my '99, the bumper doesn't have the license plate bracket on it. This looks like it's for a Ranger or so.

That page isnt right.. it says its for 91-99 but the 2nd gen's front chassis mount isnt even close to what is in that page (the 2nd gen's chassis has "ears" the bumper bolts to).


The 2nd gen's rear bumper looks more like the one they have pictured for the front bumper (utilzing the "bolt and retainer" concept).

Yeah... apparently that isn't much help. I didn't even know they had that information on the Autozone site, and now I think I see why...:rolleyes:

I have a couple terrible pictures of the frame and of the bumper.


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four 21mm nuts and the bumper is off.

Todds pics are about as good as it gets.

Jacks is for a Ranger and Iz's is first gen

you are correct
21mm on the back
thanks for keeping me in line :)
