installing in dash screens | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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installing in dash screens


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2002
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City, State
Chatsworth, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer Sport
I'm thinking about purchasing an indash screen i saw in the paper today, itz an all in one thing, tv/dvd/cd, its from kenwood. The dilema is that i can get it from goodguys for like 2500 installed, or i can get it online for 1800 shipped, my question is how much harder is it to install this than a regular headunit. I am very experienced in installin audio equipment, but this would be the first time i tackle a screen.

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It's not hard at all. The only difference is having the extra brain and also having a lot more wires to run. Audio and Video. You can check out my pictures in on my home page to see my install of a Kenwood KVT-910 and two headrest screens, PS2 and extra input/outputs (2). Let me know if you have any questions.

i already have a sony headunit in there, i guess my other question is where am I running these other av wires to? I'm not running any other screens, only the sub and amp and all those wires are already ran.

well i just picked it up today, had it installed though, whutever they did a damn good job! Anyways i can play video cd's other than dvd's the prob is im tryin to figure out what kind of vids. It says vcd's, does this mean that i gotta convert the files from .avi or .mpg to .vcd? I know this is kinda off the whole msg board topic but it is an audio headunit question!

yes you have to convert them to vcd format. d/l nero off of im sure other burning softwares have it but nero has a option where you just click on a vcd folder and it automatically converts the files into vcd. You can do this with music videos and movies its neat to be driving and be able to watch blade 2 or mib II when they arent even on video/dvd yet.
