installing indash monoitor and ps2 help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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installing indash monoitor and ps2 help


Active Member
December 4, 2003
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south bend, in
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 xlt
i never installed one before but if its just like installing a cd player yeah i can do it. i'm wondering does anyone have and indash monoitor. i'm getting the new pioneer with the gps and navagation. second thing is i wanna hook my ps2 to it. in doing so i would need a power inverter. just want to know what kind to get and the wattage for it. also how do u wire it in to the car. also i'm wondedring will i still be able to watch dvds while truck is in motion cause someone told me that i couldn't because it won't power on unless its wired for it to come on when u park. its not for me to watch dvds its for the passengers. thanks.

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Hooking up is not that hard. Yes you will need a switch in order to watch the tv while truck is in motion. You can get these switches off ebay or make your own. You will need to find your brake pedal wire and emergency brake wire. Those are the only things that are different about hooking up a indash screen. With the switch i can send you the step by step instructions. With the ps2 any power inverter will work fine. All you have to do is hook it up to the outlet and hook up the audio and video wires to the back off the indash unit. lmk if you need any help.

spkhone said:
i never installed one before but if its just like installing a cd player yeah i can do it. i'm wondering does anyone have and indash monoitor. i'm getting the new pioneer with the gps and navagation. second thing is i wanna hook my ps2 to it. in doing so i would need a power inverter. just want to know what kind to get and the wattage for it. also how do u wire it in to the car. also i'm wondedring will i still be able to watch dvds while truck is in motion cause someone told me that i couldn't because it won't power on unless its wired for it to come on when u park. its not for me to watch dvds its for the passengers. thanks.
well i'm not that sure but i'm assuming that the pioneer has an extra unit known as a brain for the main functions, so if it does, this is probably how the install will look like...You will need to take out the passenger side seat then run a wire harness and antenna cord from the brain to the main unit that will probably take an hours worth of work...then you will need to relocate your rca's down to the brain if you have them thats some more work, then you will need to either hook up to the parking brake and handbrake or use on of those switches thats 30 minutes more work, then you will need to find the speed sensing wire for your navigation as well as mount a gps antenna on your truck and run the wiring back down to your unit...i would say it would take a normal shop 4 hours to do it, and they'll most likely charge you 200-250 to install it, good luck

spkhone said:
i never installed one before but if its just like installing a cd player yeah i can do it. i'm wondering does anyone have and indash monoitor. i'm getting the new pioneer with the gps and navagation. second thing is i wanna hook my ps2 to it. in doing so i would need a power inverter. just want to know what kind to get and the wattage for it. also how do u wire it in to the car. also i'm wondedring will i still be able to watch dvds while truck is in motion cause someone told me that i couldn't because it won't power on unless its wired for it to come on when u park. its not for me to watch dvds its for the passengers. thanks.

Inverter- Check the wattage on the PS2 power supply if I remeber right its a 90 watt so I would suggest atleast a 100 watt if not bigger (dont go overboard though), connect the inverter to the battery or ignition switch (acc +) with a 8 gauge amp kit, if you hook to the battery use a relay hooked in to the remote wire of the radio to keep the invert from staying on constent
The parking brake wire you can just hook to ground or a switch, check the directions on how to use the screen to make sure that you dont need to use some odd sequence to disable the safety

Installing the unit itself is somewhat the same as a regular indash unit except there will probably be a external brain that will need to be connected
if you have any questions feel free to shoot me a e-mail and I'll be happy to help

thanks for the advice. that sounds like a lot of work. i think i'm better off letting a shop do it. hey does anyone have pics of their indash monitors. i just wanna see how it would look like. should be getting it this weekend.

spkhone said:
thanks for the advice. that sounds like a lot of work. i think i'm better off letting a shop do it. hey does anyone have pics of their indash monitors. i just wanna see how it would look like. should be getting it this weekend.
yeah their's a pic of mine its an alpine iva d300 its under a thread here called "guess what i just got, your going to be jealous"

i just bought my avic n-1 for 1899. getting it installed monday for only 150.

ok i'm gonna do my own install. i just to know where the wires are and the colors and how to bypass the safty using either a switch or not. also for wireing the inverter,, do u wire it directly to the fuse under the hood? thanks.

spkhone said:
ok i'm gonna do my own install. i just to know where the wires are and the colors and how to bypass the safty using either a switch or not. also for wireing the inverter,, do u wire it directly to the fuse under the hood? thanks.

YOU DO NOT NEED A SWITCH FOR PIONEER OR CLARION MONITORS. I have had both, and I currently have the Pioneer 7500DVD. All you have to do is GROUND the Green E-brake wire. One on the deck, and one on the brain. It's cake.

