installing OEM running boards on 2002 explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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installing OEM running boards on 2002 explorer?


Well-Known Member
March 5, 2001
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Houston, Tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLT
Guys, I've owned my 2002 Explorer since new, and have never needed running boards since I'm 6'3" tall. But now I have young kids, and it's tough for them to climb in the truck.

So I'm looking to buy a pair of boards from a wrecked truck, and prefer the OEM look (and junk yard price).

My truck has what I'd call "modesty skirting" on each side that conceals the frame from view, and I think these would come off easily.

My question is if I find some OEM boards, and grab all the hardware, can these be installed on my truck without modification, or would I need to be drilling, etc.

My truck:

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I have switched out running boards/step bars a number of times. As long as you get ALL the mounting hardware, you should be okay. The holes should be in the right locations, but make sure that you really get ALL the hardware, including the mounting bolt retainers that I highlighted in the pic. My one disclaimer is that I have worked with vehicles that came factory equipped with step bars, so everything was there initially. You can look up under yours and confirm the existing holes and what you will need. I hope the pic helps with what you need.


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See the additional pic- running boards that require the additional small brackets that I highlighted.


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An additional benefit of the full running boards is that even if you're tall enough for getting in and out without any problem, they give you a handy place to stand when using the rack on top. I've got a car top carrier box and can reach all the way inside when standing on the running boards.

Those pics are exactly what I was hoping for. This gives me the confidence that the holes are all there, just need all the bracketry, nuts, bolts, etc.

Thanks 1996EB for the pics, and thanks Tankentaisha for the thoughts, agreed that the running boards will be handy.

Get the boards in pic one, I have both and those look much cleaner.

If you were closer, I'd swap the boards I took off for your frame cover.

It was a pain in the butt to get off, putting on I'd imagine will be the same.
Probably took less than an hour though.

Those pics are exactly what I was hoping for. This gives me the confidence that the holes are all there, just need all the bracketry, nuts, bolts, etc.

Thanks 1996EB for the pics, and thanks Tankentaisha for the thoughts, agreed that the running boards will be handy.

No problem FordLover. One last bit of advice- I recall that on one side there was some kind of a line/cable- might have been the parking brake. Just make sure that you hook your brackets under it and don't clamp down over it. Also, you can install them using a couple of methods. Either mount the brackets to the body first and then install the step bars, or install the brackets on the bars and install as an assembly. Either way is pretty easy and if you pick the second method a floor jack will come in handy. When you are removing the treads (if you need to), you should use a pair of pliers to gently squeeze the clips from the underside of the step bars as you pry it off from the top. This is much better than just prying and potentially breaking the clips. Good luck!

The ones in the second pic are the ones I have and I've seen the others but prefer these. Personal choice I guess.

Get the boards in pic one, I have both and those look much cleaner.

If you were closer, I'd swap the boards I took off for your frame cover.

It was a pain in the butt to get off, putting on I'd imagine will be the same.
Probably took less than an hour though.

Yeah I wish I could just swap with someone, both my wife and I are in school so spare change is hard to come by these days.

The ones in the second pic are the ones I have and I've seen the others but prefer these. Personal choice I guess.

I'm a pretty simple person, so I think the plain boards are more my style. I prefer function over flash/fashion. That's probably obvious from my completely stock Explorer. Well I did add factory tow hooks to the front, but that was for function, not looks.

Now I'm on the hunt for a pair of boards or tube steps.

If you haven't gotten them yet, the tube style are more sturdy.

A question to go along with that. I have the exact same Explorer that FordLover has. Will bars and running boards from a sport trac fit? Any other vehicles that you know of? Thank you.

Since some other parts interchange it might be worth checking to see if they'd fit from a Mountaineer.

I am currently using chrome step bars from a 2005 Sport Trac Adrenalin on my 2003 Ex Limited. However, you must be very careful if you consider doing this. First, you must have brackets from the regular 4 door, ST brackets are very different and won't bolt onto your vehicle properly. Secondly, the ST has a longer wheelbase and therefore slightly longer step bars. You cannot use them if you have oversized tires. I only use these with my stock tires 245-65-17 and there isn't a ton of clearance. I have run 265-75-16 in the winter and I swap out my chrome ST bars for stock length 3rd gen bars, for clearance reasons. If you use ST step bars, you will also have to drill new mounting holes in the bars under the step tread to line up with the mounting brackets. I have never seen anyone else use ST step bars, but I do like mine as they are unique.

Here are some pics that show the ST step bars and the last one is of the original Limited CK running board. I don't like the closed in styled of the original ones, they trap the dirt, snow and salt right up against the rockers.


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These pics show step bars and brackets off an 02 XLT. These include the very rare bracket covers and trim. When these are mounted you only see the step bars and trim, the actual metal brackets are covered.


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Ok. Thanks for the answers and illustrations. No ST bars for me. Not enough clearance.
