Installing Powerdyne XB-1A s/c have a few ?'s | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Installing Powerdyne XB-1A s/c have a few ?'s

rocket 5979

Resident Gearhead
April 22, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake Villa, Illinois
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 XLT 4.6
I have a few questions on the XB-1A supercharger kit i am going to be ordering here soon. first off since this is a gear driven s/c versus internal belt driven there has to be a lube oil hookup line running to the oil pan. is there anything important to consider when tapping the pan for the line to come in? location on oil pan or tips where to put it in general? i assume i have to drop the pan to do this too, to keep from getting shavings in my the bottom and of course because there is still oil in it and would be verrrrrry messy. i am considering it safe to assume that since this ia a kit it should be coming with a FMU and other things to regulate fuel to make it run right. injectors would be next to do on my list after the mods i have stated in my other thread. any other special considerations when installing this type of supercharger versus the bd-11 type? any and all little hints tips and advice of any sort will be much appreciated. and if you have actually seen or installed an XB-1A kit i would really like to get in contact with you either through here or email in case i have any other questions. i can probably guage how well written the instructions will be on this one being that is is from powerdyne and so is the bd-11. how easy are the bd-11 instructions to follow? complex? informative? down right easy? or might as well be sandscript? i know there is not too many if any threads on the actual installation of a centrifugal s/c so when i do it i will take the time afterward when posting times and new numbers to make a write up of what i encountered and some lessons learned. and any hold ups or anything. but if anyone can give me a few more hints for any special tools or anything that may help make it a little more painless then please tell me. thanks.

personally, i dont know anyone with a XB-1A. but, i did help a friend install a BD-11 on a mustang a few years ago, and it took all of 4-5 hours, with 3-4 hours of drinking involved. ;) as far as i know, the install will be exactly the same as the BD-11, though you will have to tap the pan for an oil line. centrifugal chargers are very, very easy to install; most are intimidated at first, but from my experience if you can change spark plugs and read you will have no trouble. the hardest part will be the crank pulley, and that is not hard at all.

if i can be any help at all (even if only a little), e-mail me when you get it in.

Cool James. i didnt think it would be too hard. i mean how hard is a KIT to install. i didnt know if there were any other little hints that could save time or heartache. i wouldnt have asked any questions if i was installing a bd-11 but since i am installing one a little different. i figured it wouldnt hurt to see what anyone else has installed and how they did it. i am thinking about even installing the baumann shift kit too instead of having it installed. from what i heard some people said that was pretty simple too. i am trying to save money around every corner in this project. cause the more i do the faster the 347 (in the end) will come. oh by the way on the drinking for the time while putting the s/c in i also found that the more i drink the better i am at shooting pool so it must transfer over to this. guess a bottle of jack is in store too. lol. i could see it now get trashed while installing my s/c and come out the next morning and see it mounted on the center of my hood. lol. man once i get all the parts this will be a fun evolution.

as far as the shift kit goes- i have never touched a 4R70W. but, i have installed others, and i can say it goes along the same lines as the charger. its intimidating untill you do it. expo5.0 watched a guy install his, and said that it was super-easy.

off topic- beer and shooting pool. i just spanked a friend of mine a while ago in our game room, only after i had about 8 or so beers. it is true, as i too can only shoot pool when i "feel good". here's some of the aftermath...


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