Intercooling the 4.0 ohv/sohc with Ford Supercouper M90 | Page 12 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Intercooling the 4.0 ohv/sohc with Ford Supercouper M90

I figured I better start a new thread, as my old thread goes on forever detailing my 4.0 ohv M90 install, motor rebuild (Funny thing about that), etc. Here's the original thread that brought me to this point:

The issue I am currently having with my M90 install is that I am attempting to increase boost, but cant get the intake charge cool enough. I tried water/meth and had limited results. James with Henson performance just cant do anything more with the tuning till iat's come down.

So, Ron at RPCaster (Building an intercooler for me), and Tim (Vroomzoomboom) who is going to perform some magic on a hood cowl (It was either that, or a body lift to get the additional height for the intercooler). These are the two components I am not able to do myself.

I have detailed logs of my iat's, and am going to do a dyno session before and after install. This will give some great real world numbers.

I'll detail the whole thing as I go (The good, the bad, and the ugly).

For starters. Here is what Just came in the mail.


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Anything new:)

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Nope. No news on my m90 coming back yet. I will have the time in about 2 weeks. I'm sure I'll have the sc back by then.
I'm pretty sure I have the belt size figured out.
I'll pop the hood off, pull the PCM and wiring out of the way, and drop the intercooler on. Should take no time at all.
The time will be figuring out what to do with the PCM, and possible throttle cable issues.

I could very well be the kid driving around without a hood for a bit. Hahaha.

I could very well be the kid driving around without a hood for a bit. Hahaha.

we ALL have done it, lol (i think i have done it to 3 different vehicles i have owned). the only problem with that is, im already sweating on getting the hood done, and all i have are the parts laying in the shed at the moment. :eek:

Lol as long as it don't rain having the hood off can be cool!!;)
Way you all work I was expecting to see burn out vids with a new cowl hood and custom air brushing:Dlol

hahahaha...No rush Tim.
Do it on your time.

Being that the SC hasn't even shipped yet, there's lots of time.

Maybe once you are back, and recovered from AFN you will feel like looking at it.

ok, my M90 shipped on the 21'st.
I guess due to the holiday it was a bit late in clearing processing thru the sort facility in Tampa (26th). I'll have it back next week

Cleared customs. Not sure what city it came over the border at though.

Im feeling the stress. My backup M90 is making a heck of a racket. The type of noise that says it wont be long till something breaks.

One fear is that the nose of the M90 seizes, the other fear is its the rotor pack, and crap might get pulled thru my new motor.

Sometimes if I rev the motor quickly the noise goes away for a bit. That kinda tells me the rotor pack isn't sitting well.

I was hoping to not install my returned M90 till the inter-cooler was going on. Tim's up to his eyeballs with 'stuff' and I don't see him getting my hood done for a couple of months. That's way too long to run without a hood.

So, as soon as my rotor pack lands at my door, it will be a priority to switch out M90's.

Don, stay out of the gas until you swap the blower. Just be easy with it for a while, you can do that. Look forward to the new combo, you'll get years of fun out of the truck, and many more cars in the future.

Think about the future times, and the money and labor you spent on that new engine. You can take it easy for a while, be patient.

Cleared customs. Not sure what city it came over the border at though.

Im feeling the stress. My backup M90 is making a heck of a racket. The type of noise that says it wont be long till something breaks.

One fear is that the nose of the M90 seizes, the other fear is its the rotor pack, and crap might get pulled thru my new motor.

Sometimes if I rev the motor quickly the noise goes away for a bit. That kinda tells me the rotor pack isn't sitting well.

I was hoping to not install my returned M90 till the inter-cooler was going on. Tim's up to his eyeballs with 'stuff' and I don't see him getting my hood done for a couple of months. That's way too long to run without a hood.

So, as soon as my rotor pack lands at my door, it will be a priority to switch out M90's.

You can zip tie your bypass valve open so it doesn't build boost, be a lot less stress.I know the anticipation has to be killn you:eek:

Ive been pretty easy on things, but that blower noise has me really concerned.
I'm hoping to see my other one tomorrow and I'll spend a couple of hours and do the direct swap of M90's over the weekend.

Its not even about building boost. My blower is really making a racket. Worse than you guys can imagine. Even at idle. Its not good.

It sounds like it's bad enough that you might get some debris into the engine. I wouldn't start the engine if it sounds that bad.

Yup, I'm almost at that point.
Sure hope I see that sc right away.

don, can you do a video of that? as i was saying, i wounder if the coupler is shot. that and, i am going to try and get on your hood as fast as i can. i dont want to be "that guy" that is holding you up from getting the intercooler on

That hood is going to be a pain in the a$$, I don't care what you say Tim.
I bet its 20 hrs of work to do something like that.

I don't want to be 'that guy' either.
I'm open to suggestions to take the pain away.

I just don't have the equipment/skill/imagination etc. to pull something like that off.

I think I will take and post a short video of the noise, just for interests sake.

Don, how does that gauge work there? any issues with ac flow?

The gauge seems to work great. I haven't tried data-logging yet with it.
The 0-5 output from the gauge is wired to my SCT cable on analog 1, and I have the equation set in livelink, I just need to do some logging with it and check for accuracy.
Logging boost will help James perform his tuning.

Interestingly enough, my M90 has quietened its self down. No unusual noises last night or today. I have to wonder whats moving around in that sc.

But have you tried that with the AC on?

No, its been too cold to care about ac. With the hood up, it was clear the noise was coming from the M90. Sorry for not answering the first time. I was just out and tried turning on the air conditioning.
It works fine, with no odd noises.

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Cobra intercooler pump?

Here was my first mistake, buying a ebay pump. Note the size of the ebay pump compared to the bosch pump. Don't buy the ebay pump. If you really want to, buy it from me (Ill give you a great deal, cost of shipping. You will probably still hate me afterwards). . .

Your Bosch pump looks very similar to the one used on the 2003-2004 Cobra. There's one listed on eBay. Should I bid on it?

Do you think a stock Explorer auxiliary ATF cooler would be suitable as an intercooler heat exchanger? I have two installed in parallel and don't really need the capacity. It would be fairly easy to convert one to intercooler coolant. I would just need to add a filler/tank, drain, pump and replumb.
